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April 13, 2011`
Public Hearing
April 13, 2011

The hearing opened at 7:35 PM.  Present were: Chairman Tom Daly, Mark Canfield, Jerry Gannelli Jim LaChance and Rick McCowan.  

Tom informed the pubic that the purpose of the hearing is to discuss proposed zoning changes relative to the E. Princeton Village Overlay District, and the rezoning of business districts currently built out as residential as advertised in the Landmark on March 24 & March 31.

E. Princeton Village Overlay District (EPVOD)
Mark reported that the East Princeton Village Overlay District (EPVOD) is a concept as part of the Town Plan. The purpose of establishing the EPVOD is to preserve the common characteristics of the area, preserve the historical neighborhood features and provide flexibility for expanding neighborhood elements and amenities.  Residents will have the ability to conduct business activity provided it does not impact the neighborhood.  A permitting procedure will be in place.

Tom noted that the board decided not to move forward with this bylaw at this time and would like additional feedback from residents.

The hearing was opened for public comment at 7:50 pm.

Ann Yeagle, 73 Main St. said she is concerned about making the area busier than currently is. She is opposed to allowing any additional business.

Sheila Dubman, 290 Redemption Rock Trail N. asked how this bylaw differs from the existing Home Occupations bylaw. Rick explained the EPVOD is less restrictive.

Phil Mighdoll, 290 Redemption Rock Trail N. asked the board to highlight the current business zoned areas.  Rick displayed zoning maps showing the area.

Jon Fielding, 37 Leominster Rd. asked how parking will be handled.

Pat Cain, 38 Main St., this change is a major concern and asked if anyone living in the area supports it.

Mark Fiandaca, 80 Main St, thanked the board for their work on this. He noted the business generated for Dicks Auto and Captain Bob’s is by people driving through town.

Dave Bianchi, 72 Main St., asked about the Onion Patch as a potential water supply.

Judy Dino, 84 Main St., said she supports the change. She likes the idea of a small village feel with quaint little shops.

Karen Russo, 122 Hobbs Rd., believes a village would cause traffic to slow down and improve safety.

Lori Brodeur, 129 Gleason Rd, said she’s concerned someone would tear down a small building and rebuild a large one.

Pat Cain, 81 Main St., stated he does not want the area to change.

Louis DiNatale, 70 Main St., prefers not to keep it the way it is and would like to see improvements.

Rick asked what residents would like to see in the area. The goal is to improve the area, not detract from it.

Tom asked for volunteers willing to serve on a committee. Mark offered residents the option of calling him directly with ideas.
The board thanked the public for their feedback.

Zoning Boundary Changes
Rick displayed proposed changes on the zoning maps.

Reviewed Redemption Rock Trail map

Reviewed Worcester Rd. map - The area where the existing business zone is built out as residential will be changed to residential agricultural. Grandfathered use will remain.

Sean Conway, Hickory Dr., said he purchased property on Worcester Rd because it was located in the business zone. He is concerned about losing the right to have business.

Jeff Yaglou, 171 Worcester Rd. said he’s concerned about eliminating 80% of the business zone in town.
Rick noted that amendments may be made on Town Meeting floor.

Reviewed Hubbardston Rd map

The board thanked the public for their feedback.

The hearing was adjourned at 9:10 PM.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted
Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant