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January 5, 2011`
Regular Meeting
January 5, 2011
The meeting opened at 7:30 PM.  Present were: Chairman Tom Daly, Mark Canfield, Jerry Gannelli, Jim LaChance and Rick McCowan.

E. Princeton Village Overlay District (EPVOD) – Review Proposed Bylaw
The board reviewed the revised bylaw as drafted by Mark. Changes include reducing the square footage from 2,000 to 1,200 for businesses. There was continued discussion on how to proceed with the intent of the village district.

Rick moved to suspend the regular meeting and open the public hearing at 7:50 pm. Jerry seconded. The board returned to regular meeting at 8:03 pm.   
All were in favor.

The board continued to discuss the best way to move forward with the bylaw. Jerry noted that a lot of work has been done by Mark and the E. Princeton Village Committee. They created a framework for the district and he suggests the board move forward by submitting to CMRPC.

Brenda will make changes as discussed and forward the revised copy to the board. Mark & Tom will bring the updated bylaw to CMRPC for their review. The board’s vision for the district will be explained.

Other Business
The board will review the assessors’ maps at the next meeting.

Meeting Minutes
December 15, 2010 Regular Meeting – Mark moved to accept the minutes. Jim seconded. All in favor (5-0).

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant