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Sept. 19, 2012
Town of Princeton

September 19, 2012  --  Annex

7:30 PM Administrative Business
Review/Approve Sept. 5 Regular Meeting Minutes
Review Mail

New Business

“GIS Standards for Digital Plan Submission”  Matt Franz from CMRPC is willing to come in and discuss this at a future meeting.

Discuss:  Creation of a colored, wall-size zoning map that includes parcel layer and [protected] open space. This is something Matt Franz can do at CMRPC with a few free service hours. Should include color-coded zones including ‘RP Overlay District.’

Old Business

8:00 PM Worcester Rd PAC Recommendations:   Future of the Worc. Rd. Project Advisory Committee in light of state Ethics Committee directives may be discussed. PB to outline these issues to discuss with BOS on Sept. 24

Other Business
Special permit for accessory apartment—conditions for pre-existing structure/use
Possible Discussion: clarification of wording in Zoning Bylaws.

Future Agenda Items

Outstanding topics:
Discuss areas to protect: Wachusett Mountain district, expand RPOD
Storm water management & windmill bylaws
Wachusett Watershed District
E Princeton Village District Commercial & Residential Zoning Design Standards

Meeting/Event Schedule:
DATE:                   MEETING/EVENT:          TIME:                   PLACE:
Oct 3                           Regular Meeting         7:30                    Annex
Oct 17                  Regular Meeting         7:30                    Annex
Nov 7                           Regular Meeting         7:30                    Annex
Nov 21                  Regular Meeting         7:30                    Annex