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December 7, 2009
Parks & Recreation
Regular Meeting
December 7, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM.  Present were Chairman Kevin Heman, Barbara Clark, Ron Milenski, Ed Sweeney, Kelton Burbank and Parks & Rec Director Sue Shanahan. Kevin McGahey and Chris Alsdorf were absent.

After School Child Care Program- Discussion with Kathy Sweeney
Kathy is part of a task force to increase enrollment in the TPS. She noted that 29 families expressed interest in an after school child care program. The task force will be looking for an additional 30 kids to “choice-in” to TPS and feels a childcare program is needed for that to happen. The accreditation fee is $342 for two years. Sue will continue to review the data and will meet with the YWCA to see if it makes sense to outsource through them. Kathy will be invited to the March meeting where the committee will make a decision on how they can best support the program.

Winter Carnival Planning
The carnival dates will be February 5, 6, & 7. The event will be advertised in the Landmark. An opening ceremony will take place on the Common on Friday, the 5th. The Spruce Room is reserved for Saturday, the 6th for a “snow day” event, and Krashes Field day will take place on Sunday, the 7th. Kelton noted that a committee is working on a Saturday evening event and location ideas include the Mountain Barn, Village Inn, or Norco. Kelton and Sue will work together on final plans.

Playground Equipment
The committee is waiting for an answer from John Lebeaux as to whether or not they can utilize the funds for other recreational activities.  Ideas include field improvements, basketball equipment, goals for hockey and a pedestrian bridge to connect to open space.

Barbara moved to approve the November 10, 2009 meeting minutes. Kelton seconded.  All in favor (5-0).

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm. All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie

Administrative Secretary