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October 13, 2009
Town of Princeton, MA
Parks & Recreation
Regular Meeting
October 13, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM.  Present were Vice Chairman Kevin Heman, Ron Milenski, Kelton Burbank, Ed Sweeney, and Parks & Rec Director Sue Shanahan. Kevin McGahey, Barbara Clark and Chris Alsdorf were absent.

TPS After School Care Discussion- Kathy Sweeney
Kathy Sweeney discussed creating an after school child care program. Kathy is serving on a committee working on ideas to increase the TPS enrollment and offer school choice to surrounding towns. A childcare program is one idea to increase enrollment and would allow working parents from other towns to send their children to TPS. Kathy noted the Rutland program makes a $2,000.00 per month profit from their Safe Place program. Kevin and Sue were concerned about the level of work involved with state requirements, start up costs, staffing and payroll.  Sue does acknowledge that there is a need and will continue to investigate creative ways to provide this service. One option may be to work with an existing program and become a satellite. Kathy will research further and will ask the local preschool if they have any interest.
Kathy also noted that Deb Cary and Ed Carlson have three desks available for use in the E. Needham field house.

Parks & Rec Director Updates
  • The Boy Scouts are scheduled to paint picnic tables at Krashes Fields on Saturday.
  • The scarecrow contest is underway. A picnic for participants and their families will be held on October 25 on the Common.  
  • FAST Athletics, Audubon, yoga, art and zumba programs are being offered this month.
  • Dates for the winter carnival and snow day need to be scheduled soon.
Playground Equipment
Barbara has been researching. A decision as to whether or not to purchase equipment will be made at the next meeting when she is present for discussion. There is currently $13,000.00 available in the Grounds Maintenance account. John Lebeaux is verifying the funds to date and for FY11 and FY12.

Wireless Installation at Krashes
Ed worked with Jon Fitch. Jon agreed to donate the wireless equipment and installation with no monthly fee for WiFi at Krashes.  Sue will notify Jon that the committee will provide $2,500.00 towards the project

Bleacher Purchase
Kelton donated $750.00 toward the purchase of bleachers for Krashes.

Irrigation Problem – TPS
Ron noted there is a problem with either the irrigation pump or electrical components at TPS. Brenda will check with Chris on a repair person and Ron will make arrangements for repair.

Administrative Business
The following invoices were approved for payment:
  • Verizon – $49.34
  • PMLD (10/1) $243.13
  • PMLD (9/1) $367.91
The following revenue was received:
  • Footopia - $240.00
  • Adult P/U Bball - $20.00

Kelton moved to approve the September 16 meeting minutes. Ron seconded.  All in favor (5-0).

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm. All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie

Administrative Secretary