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July 9, 2013
Open Space Committee Minutes                      July 9, 2013
Present: everyone!
Meeting began: 7:34 p.m.
Bridge plantings: Kim thought an article in the Landmark explaining what where trying to do. We have to pull the plastic & hay bales out. Doug thinks we took care of one spot which is growing in and we have 2 more areas to work on. We will organize another work day after Kelton seeks  assistance from the selectmen on where to put the pulled up silt fences. Phil has a dump truck but we have to have an end destination. In the fall we can shake goldenrod and aster seeds all over the areas also.
Trails: we have an electronic map now from DCR that includes all protected land in Princeton. Kelton envisions a ring of trails around Princeton.
Open Space & Rec Plan Update: conditionally approved through June 2020. Karen will make final changes as recommended by state. Committee thanks Karen for work on this.
Smith Farm: Charlie Wyman from MassAudubon and Tom Sullivan from PLT have been told by the Smith brothers that they are interested in selling their Hubbardston land first and then will work on Princeton.  Working on a Partnership Grant to get a grant to obtain 500 or more contiguous acres with the Smith property as the main piece of the plan.
Minutes of June 11th amended.
New business: none.
Next meeting: Tuesday August 13th 7:30 pm.
Meeting adjourned 8:20 p.m.