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January 8, 2013
Open Space Committee
Meeting Minutes  for Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Present: Kelton Burbank, Jim Samdahl, Phil Grzyb, Doug Williams, Deb Cary, Karen Rossow
Excused: Kim Houde
___________________________________________________________________Committee convened at 7:04 p.m.
Erosion control and plantings around the new bridge for the Mid-State Trail discussed. In our minds they are two separate issues. We updated Kelton on the site visit on the afternoon of December 27th which included Doug, Kim, Phil and Karen. We met with the chair of the Conservation Commission, John Viera, as well as Nancy McGrath and her colleague John from watershed protection division of DCR. While all agreed that nothing will take root on the majority of the poor soil as there is nothing organic there, ConCom and DCR expect us to put in whatever plantings we can. It was suggested that large rocks can serve as a barrier and support to keep plantings from going into the water. Blackberries, willow and other plants were discussed.
We need a short-term plan, which should include removing the silt fencing and a long-term plan for putting in plants. Effectively we are being asked to remove the silt fencing and put in the plantings to complete the project, although these actions will not improve the protection of the water. Our committee is convinced that putting in plants in an area without soil will not improve the issue of erosion along the bank but if that is what they require of us we can do it. We do not have any funding for this. Phil has a contact with rocks and Deb will discuss best strategy with Dave Small from DCR. Kim had said on December 27th that she will look into help from scouts. There may or may not be money available from the Mid-State Trail.
We have to meet with ConCom before we can proceed so Karen will contact them to ask to be added to their next agenda. Deb perceives this as an opportunity to enhance a recreational activity for the area if the access to the water can be improved, although it is enlarging the original scope of the bridge plan.
Our short-term plan is to remove the silt fencing and the long-term goal is to put in plants and rocks as a barrier to support the plants.
Other business was the Open Space and Recreation Plan Update. The plan has been sent to the Town Administrator, John Lebeaux, and he will distribute it to the BOS, ConCom, the Planning Board and Parks & Rec. Meanwhile Karen will arrange a Public Hearing for 7 pm on February 19th and make sure it is posted and in the Landmark. Karen will collect all input through the public hearing. After that make any final edits, then seek letters from aforementioned partied supporting document. Then it can be submitted to the state. Deb will create a powerpoint presentation for the public hearing.
Minutes of meetings on 11/20/12 and 12/11/12 approved. Initially there was some confusion as to whether or not we had a quorum for 12/11 but we in fact did have one.
Should we request funding from the town for the next fiscal year? No.
Kelton will make report to submit to the town for the Annual Report.
Meeting adjourned 9:00 p.m.