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July 10, 2012
Open Space Committee Minutes        Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Present: Kelton Burbank, Jim Samdahl, Phil Grzyb, Karen Rossow
Excused: Deb Cary, Kim Houde                   
Meeting began at 7:30 p.m.

Status of new Mid-State trail discussed. It has been delayed due to several unforeseen factors but they are being addressed. The new bridge will need an application of wood preservative. Kelton contacted Marie Auger from the Mid-State Trail tonight to see if she has volunteers for that but we haven’t heard back. Phil will follow up with her. Funds available.
Phil brought copies of the design for a gravel retaining ramp courtesy of Steve Stimpson. Funds available for it as well. We recommend a steel pole at each end of the bridge to prevent motorized vehicles’ access. We will revisit the issue of handicapped accessibility if the community expresses interest, but we believe the nearby residents’ concerns regarding vehicles crossing the bridge should be our priority. Phil can’t build the ramp in the near future but will contact people who should be able to.
We can coordinate the installation of plants to support the banks with the trail opening day. Willows were recommended and we will research closer to the date once it’s confirmed. We will encourage Glen Lyons to push the jersey barriers back since they are the property of the town and prohibit access for the vehicles bringing in materials such as hay bales for the project. The landscaping will be done with sensitivity to canoe and kayak access.

Jim and Deb Cary are still planning to update the Open Space & Recreation plan that must be submitted to the state.

We will commence work on the area trails connections as soon as the bridge project is complete. The first one will be connecting the Mid-State Trail to others in the vicinity.

Next meeting will be Tuesday, August 21, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall               Annex. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.