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March 13, 2012
Minutes for Princeton Open Space Committee
March 13, 2012
In attendance: Kim Houde, Jim Samdahl, Kelton Burbank (chair), Phil Grzyb, Deb Cary

1. Bridge Update:  
        Bridge contractors will be asked to begin soon. Professionals will be needed for much of the work but volunteers can help with some aspects.  Funds from the mid-state trail committee will be paid directly to the contractors, so will not be passed thorugh the Town of Princeton.  The Mid State Trail Committee will be the stewards of the bridge as they are with the trail but ownership of the right of way and bridge itself will remain with the town as it was before.  Kelton will check with Town Administrator John Lebeaux and Highway Department Director Glen Lyons about ownership.  One of the neighbors from the Four Corners Area did attend the Selectboard’s meeting on Monday this week and expressed their concerns about the bridge perhaps attracting teenagers partying, or other disruptive activities.   The Open Space Committee members expressed their opinions that this will not be the case and in fact the increase use of hikers, mountain bikers, bird watchers, photographers etc may be a very positive influence and discourage any littering or other negative uses.  Also the trail is designed to go immediately back into the woods away from Old Colony Road once over the bridge so we hope neighbors will see little impact. Kelton will meet with the neighbors to hear their concerns.
2. Open Space Committee Membership and Terms
        Deb Cary, Phil Grzyb, and Kelton Burbank are officially sworn in and have their terms assigned.  Jim Samdahl wishes to continue on the Open Space Committee and needs to get sworn in.  Kim Hourde has agreed to be the 5th official member, moving from her previous status as an alternate.  Karen Rossow would like to be nominated as the alternate.  A letter will be sent to the BOS for their approval. In the letter, we will also seek permission to expand the committee to include a second alternate.  
3.  Trails Sub-committee
        The Committee agreed to form a Trails Sub-Committee to look at trails throughout town When contacted by text, Doug Williams offered to serve on that committee.  Deb Cary noted that this focus on trails directly reflects the goals of the town Open Space and Recreation Plan.
FYI for further reference although not read at the meeting-  the Town Open Space and Recreation Plan includes reference to Trails (see addendum below)
4.  Open Space and Recreation Plan Update
Committee members acknowledged need to update plan in order to remain eligible for state funding for trails, land acquisition, and recreational field improvements.  Deb Cary offered to check into when Princeton must update and submit their plan for certification.  The current plan was approved in 2007 and in the past, plans have been required to be updated every 5 years but someone heard that a 2 year extension may now be possible.  A sub-committee including Deb Cary and Doug Williams will be formed to begin work on this project.

ADDENDUM:   From Princeton Open Space and Recreation Plan Update 2007

Goal: Develop and maintain a set of multi-use trails for a variety of users by:

a.      .Establishing Walkways and Trails Committee to advance the planning and implementation of a Town-wide multi-use network of trails for walkers, hikers, cyclists, mountain bikers, hunters, skiers, snowshoers, horseback riders, joggers, trail runners, etc. (Year 1)
b.      .Identifying tasks for the Walkways and Trails Committee, such as:
  • reviewing Trail Corridor Concept Plan included in this Update based on Princeton Master Plan 2007. (Year 1)  
  • completing an inventory of existing Princeton trails and proposing potential public trails connections, working cooperatively with regional trail groups such as the Wachusett Greenways (Year 2)
  • exploring and conducting ‘on the ground’ tests of potential trails connections (Years 2-3)
  • establishing official easements for new trails through discussion with land owners (Years 2-5)
  • preparing updated Walkways and Trails Map (Year 5).