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August 23, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass. – August 23, 2016 – 5:00 PM
Meeting Minutes - Princeton Broadband Municipal Light Plant (PBMLP)
        5:02 PM Meeting opened with PBMLP members Stan Moss, Edie Morgan, Jon Fudeman T.A. Nina Nazarian, Asst. Mgr. Marty Dell’Erba, Phil Leaman of LINX Associates, Inc., John Kowaleski, and residents in attendance.
Stan announced that the meeting was being recorded.
Approve minutes
        The PBMLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Jon, second by Edie to approve the minutes for August 16th.
Authorize any payments required
        None required.
Make ready updates
        Email from Brian Allen explaining the updates that have percentages for make-ready applications completed were as follows:
Application #1 – 70%, Application #2 – 86%, Application #3 – 91%, Application #4 – 83%, Application #5 – 75%, Application #6 – 80%, Application #7 – 10%.
        George Handy asked what defines when Make-Ready is complete. Phil Leaman said that when Verizon signs off, which is after the electrical work has been completed (new poles and adjustments on houses if needed), new poles installed, Verizon has moved their phone lines, then survey is completed by Verizon. Phil Leaman brought up FierceTelcom, which is a website which explains disputes between Google, AT&T, Verizon, Charter, fighting for pole space in other places in the country. George asked how much we have spent to date, Marty explained that we have spent or committed approximately $891,000. Michael Shore asked if the $300,000 remaining is enough to finish the make-ready work. There are no issues with that budget.
        Jon F. asked if companies could reserve space on the pole and then lease the space. Michael Shore asked if there would be any down time for electrical work. There could be some down time for service attachments (i.e. no electricity), but it shouldn’t be much per Phil Leaman. John K. explained further that PMLD is very good with moving live wires.    
Updates on potential materials and services procurement
         None at this time.
Updates or Correspondence / MBI Readiness Check process update
        John Furey, our MBI construction manager, verified in an email to Marty that the Town can use the $910,000 grant to apply it to the make-ready funds. Edie asked what would be the case if the Town does not move forward with a town built, Marty explained that there is no information available on that. Marty reported that Mr. Furey could not find information about the Town having been promised $920,000 in the past.
Chris Lynch explained that his understanding of the funds that Princeton could obtain.
The PBMLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Stan, second by Jon a motion that contingent upon a successful town meeting vote for the construction of the town built fiber to the home project, that the MBI grant would be applied to the make-ready borrowing.
Discuss Connecting Princeton website updates and Information sessions
        A question was asked regarding the survey and whether or not it was up on the Connecting Princeton website. Stan discussed his comments on the survey, ultimately suggesting that the numbers for the town meeting attendees do not seem to add up correctly with town meeting attendees. Nina asked the PBMLP if they would have any issues with both the survey results and the summary be posted to the website. No members expressed any concerns. Stan asked that Nina ask Mr. Lou Dinatale if he would be agreement to prepare a summary of information to be added to the documents.
Discussion on Matrix Proposal & request to speak at FTTH Information sessions
        George explained that he has received comments that the website pop up for the Special Town Meeting announcement is not consistent with other documents presented relative to whether or not all Princeton households will be connected. Stan stated that the financial model states that all premises connected and needed to do so to be a viable model.
Updates on Comcast & Cable/Internet Take Rates for surrounding towns
         No additional information from Comcast. Marty explained that he met with the Town of Rutland, who has a 75% take rate, but is seeing a decrease in the number of subscribers with Charter, similar to Hubbardston (Charter who has 65% of the town and decreasing). They both have issues with Charter in reliability and service. Marty spoke with Paul Mattson, Chair, of the Rutland Cable TV board; Rutland recently negotiated another 10 year contract with Charter. Rutland reported that those who are foregoing keeping Charter are generally going back to Dish Network. Jon F. asked if Marty could find out if there was a decline with Sterling since they are served by Comcast. George asked if we knew what the percentage was for Leverett. Discussion on the percentage and how they have structured their finances. Jon F. explained that there could be issues with using numbers/statistics from other communities as they may not be applicable in other circumstances.
        Stan mentioned that if we obtain 70% take rate, that would put the Town at about 903 properties connected. The excess collected could be used to reduce the monthly fee, or build reserves. This would be a decision to be made by the future PBMLP board.
New Business
        Nina mentioned that she was unsure that between now and Monday of next week, when the Board of Selectmen meet and are expected to set the Town Meeting Warrant if it will be feasible to determine the pros and cons of the proposed $4.8 million borrowing being proposition 2 ½ debt excluded, or within proposition 2 ½.
Old Business
        Marty explained that there is a meeting this Thursday with the Rural Advisory Committee, the committee would like to hear the challenges Princeton has faced. George stated that he planned to bring up that the state still owes the Town of Princeton $3.3 million dollars for Chapter 70, that maybe it would make the Town whole by the state providing additional funding to the Town of Princeton for Broadband.
Public Comment
        Phil Gransewicz asked if there was any communication from Comcast. Marty explained that Comcast stated that they would provide something to the Town before September 13th.
        Michael Shore suggested that everyone should pay the cost for the broadband infrastructure up front to the Town.
        John K. summarized a letter which he submitted to the PBMLP thanking the Broadband Committee, and those before the committee and those after the committee who have dedicated their time and effort to this project which has made substantial progress with the make-ready process. Stan and Edie agreed. Jon F. said that he felt that everyone has done a fantastic job, that it has been an unselfish donation of time.

5:55 PM – PBMLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Jon, second by Edie to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

PBMLP referenced documents or correspondence:   Email from Brian Allen, and Letter by John Kowaleski

Minutes Approved on October 3, 2016