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August 9, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass. – August 9, 2016 – 5:00 PM
Meeting Minutes - Princeton Broadband Municipal Light Plant (PBMLP)
        5:04 PM Meeting opened with PBMLP members Stan Moss, Edie Morgan, Jon Fudeman T.A. Nina Nazarian, Asst. Mgr. Marty Dell’Erba, Phil Leaman of LINX Associates, Inc., John Kowaleski, and residents in attendance.
Stan announced that the meeting was being recorded.
Approve minutes
        The PBMLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Jon, second by Edie to approve the minutes for August 2nd.
Authorize any payments required
        A total of 5 invoices, 3 from LINX totaling $11,912.50, one from John Graves Insurance for the surety bond for the Verizon Pole Attachment Agreement, for $4,500 for Ferriter & Ferriter for legal counsel for $600. The PBMLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Jon, second by Edie to approve all 5 invoices $17,012.50.
Make ready updates
        As of Friday, 65 poles had been set. No specific applications had been completed (out of the 13 applications discussed in the last meeting). PMLD’s subcontractor is in town and will have extra equipment in this week for what are called “cut and kicks” (cutting the old pole, putting a new pole in, then hanging everything back on) where there are circumstances that there are obstructions (i.e. landscape wall, etc). We anticipate some complete applications being complete soon. PMLD continues to transfer equipment and cables – the transfer work is about 3 times the work of the pole replacements.
        Phil Leaman explained that once PMLD is finished, then Verizon will still need to come in and complete their work. Discussion continued on the process for the remainder of the make-ready work.
Updates on Design/Engineering contract
        Stan said that since we have ~$309,000 remaining, he recommends that we keep the amount available, rather than signing a contract for $100k for engineering, we should hold that amount as contingency for the make-ready, in case any costs come up when Verizon is in Town, until the Town Meeting vote. Judy Dino asked if this will place the project on a standstill, Phil Leaman explained that it would not.
Updates on potential materials and services procurement
        Description from Phil Leaman on the status of materials and services procurement. Stan mentioned that if we obtain authorization from Town Meeting, then we would contract with a company to provide Operations & Management services to the Town as well as the search for an Internet Service Provider.
Updates or Correspondence / MBI Readiness Check process update
         Marty explained that he just received notice that MBI has approved the new format for their template recommendation letter. MBI asked the Town to complete the blanks which are contained in the document, which MBI will need from the Town prior to the official recommendation. Edie asked what this recommendation letter will do for us. Marty explained that this will provide the town with a construction grant.
Review policy update nonsubscriber policy changes approved 7/19
Discuss Connecting Princeton website updates and Information sessions
        Stan explained that he spoke with Phil O’Brien this morning, they obtained the raw survey data recently, the information will be presented to the Marketing Team tomorrow, to be used to insert content into the information sessions. Mr. Lou DiNatale will present the information at the next PBMLP meeting.
Discussion on Matrix Proposal
        Marty explained that the Town has received a formal request by Matrix to speak at the information sessions. Edie asked if Jon will prepare a risk assessment for Matrix, just as she had asked him to prepare a risk assessment with Comcast at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting. Jon explained that he would plan to put something together for the overall picture of the town’s options.
Updates on Comcast
         Marty sent an email to Alicia Matthews seeking to confirm the date of our next telephone conference meeting. Discussion came up with regard to whether or not Comcast will provide a proposal to the town within 30 days. Nina explained that it was her understanding that Comcast has never committed to providing a proposal, but that they would review the cost effectiveness and follow up with the Town in approximately 30 days.
        Bill Dino explained that he called Comcast and asked them how much it would cost to install a service to a property which is going to be 800 feet off the road. He explained that he went back and forth with them for about 2 days, and did not obtain much information from them. He also explained that he visited a Sterling resident’s home and spoke with them about Comcast and they expressed a lot of dissatisfaction with Comcast.
        John Rowell asked about the legalities relative to public funds being used to pay a private company. Stan explained that the town could go to renew the notes with taxable notes, but that there were other challenges such as having meaningful control under M.G.L. c. 44 § 8(8). Then John asked what Matrix’s policy would be for underground installations. Chris Lynch stated that would follow PMLD policies.
        John Rowell suggested that the PBMLP provide a clear concise statement about the challenges with the other proposals on the table. Phil Gransewicz asked if the PBMLP is actively negotiating the proposals with Matrix before the Town Meeting. Stan explained that the proposals provided from Matrix were discrepant and stated that if Matrix was serious, that they should update their document/proposal. Stan also mentioned that the PBMLP was not planning to spend further funding on legal fees to evaluate the options with Matrix. Chris Lynch said that he would update the documents. Jon F. suggested that you don’t bring the attorney in until something solid is agreeable by both parties. Chris indicated that the PBMLP has not approached Matrix to discuss this matter further. John Rowell explained that in his opinion the Town has been waiting 21 months for Matrix to provide a satisfactory proposal, so that the Town could consider it. He believes that the Town should stop waiting on companies like Matrix or Comcast.
        Stan explained that he, Marty and Nina would prepare a document outlining all the concerns with Matrix’s proposal to provide to Matrix. Stan further explained that we are uncertain if we would obtain MBI funds. Jon asked if our underground policy has been finalized. Stan provided a summary of the policy. Ultimately pointing out that the costs associated with working with the other potential vendors (Matrix, Comcast, etc.) are unknown and would impact the townspeople directly (i.e. possibly greater costs for installation).
        Bill Dino suggested that we discuss with Comcast what the cost would be for a long distance connection. Stan stated that we should also check with Comcast about the 5 private or underground roads (Pheasant Hollow, etc) and find out what the subscription rate is from the abutting towns.
        Stan mentioned that some people have suggested that the $1.2 million be placed on the subscribers. He explained that it would change the breakeven significantly. Edie also pointed out that there is a significant improvement being made to the PMLD infrastructure as well. Jon mentioned that he recalled that at Town Meeting it was stated that the town would reduce the $1.2 million borrowing with the MBI grant funds.
        Phil Gransewicz asked if the PBMLP /Board of Selectmen has considered a one-time fee to all property owners. Stan explained that with sewer, betterments are assessed based on the amount of frontage, but that may not be appropriate for fiber.
New Business
        Not discussed.
Old Business
        Not discussed.
Public Comment
        See above.

5:44 PM – PBMLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Jon, second by Edie to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

PBMLP referenced documents or correspondence:   None

Minutes Approved on August 16, 2016