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August 2, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass. – August 2, 2016 – 5:00 PM
Meeting Minutes - Princeton Broadband Municipal Light Plant (PBMLP)
        5:04 PM Meeting opened with PBMLP members Stan Moss, Edie Morgan, T.A. Nina Nazarian, Asst. Mgr. Marty Dell’Erba, Phil Leaman of LINX Associates, Inc., John Kowaleski, and residents in attendance. Member Jon Fudeman was unable to attend.
Approve minutes
        The PBMLP voted 2-0 on a motion by Edie, second by Stan to approve the minutes for July 26th.
Authorize any payments required
        None at this time.
Make ready updates
        The first list of equipment moves are 100% complete now and according to Brian Allen, PMLP and our subcontractor, USA, Inc., continues to work on pole sets and transfers.  Once a pole is set, PMLD transfers cables and equipment to the new poles. Stan asked if we had word that Verizon is in Town. Phil Leaman commented that they will not be in Town until PMLD says we are done with Application #1.
Updates on Design/Engineering contract
        Phil Leaman said that we do not have a quote yet from Corning.
Updates on potential materials and services procurement
        Phil Leaman mentioned that we are close on this subject, it is still in the works to obtain approximate costs to the electronics.
Updates or Correspondence / MBI Readiness Check process update
         Marty reported that our representative, John Furey was on vacation last week, but MBI is working to approve the recommendation letter. Marty mentioned that he has been told that there is a new format to the letter and it is anticipated to be standardized. Phil asked Marty if we can ask MBI what they have for funding remaining. Discussion on what funds MBI has available.
Review policy update nonsubscriber policy changes approved 7/19
Discuss Connecting Princeton website updates and Information sessions
        Phil O’Brien mentioned that the Marketing Team is meeting tomorrow, to review a door to door mailing. They are also working on a content and scope for the information meetings on August 30th and September 8th at the TPS. Stan asked for an update on the phone surveys; none available at this time, but Phil will follow up with Lou DiNatale.
Discussion on Matrix Proposal
Updates on Comcast
        Marty mentioned that the meeting notes from the July 22nd meeting were sent to Comcast. Edie asked if Jon Fudeman could do a risk assessment on Comcast. Edie mentioned that the state of Washington has filed suit on Comcast for engaging in deceptive business practices.
New Business
Old Business
Public Comment
         Phil Gransewicz asked what the projected completion date was for the Make-Ready work. Stan explained that we are relying on a number of different entities and we are working to get an update from PMLD. Further discussion on the work being completed by PMLD. Chris asked if PMLD was aware of the idea behind the 13 applications which were specifically put together to be done sequentially. Nina mentioned that PMLD can’t dictate means and methods after a contract has been bid. Marty also responded that they were and they are working to manage the contractor to the best that they can. Chris asked what is going on to prep for the informational meeting. Discussion on some of the broad informational meeting plans. Phil Gransewicz asked if there was any danger that the winter could stop this project, Phil Leaman responded that it could if we had a blizzard as an example.

5:44 PM – PBMLP voted 2-0 on a motion by Edie, second by Stan to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

PBMLP referenced documents or correspondence:   August 2, 2016 Memo to the Board of Selectmen regarding the July 22nd Meeting with Comcast.

Minutes Approved on August 9, 2016