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July 19. 2016

Town of Princeton, Mass. – July 19, 2016 – 5:00 PM
Meeting Minutes - Princeton Broadband Municipal Light Plant (PBMLP)
                5:03 PM Meeting opened with PBMLP members Stan Moss, Edie Morgan, Jon Fudeman, T.A. Nina Nazarian, Asst. Mgr. Marty Dell’Erba, John Kowaleski, Phil O’Brien, Phil Leaman of LINX Associates, Inc. and residents in attendance.
Approve minutes
        The PBMLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Edie, second by Jon to approve the minutes for July 12th.
Make ready updates
        All 148 poles have been delivered, 37 of the poles have been set, MLP has been doing some transfer work 91 of the 92 transfers have been completed. PMLD’s contractor has been hitting some ledge.
Authorize any payments required
        None at this time.
Updates on Design/Engineering contract
        Phil Leaman explained that we have placed the engineering contract on a temporary hold, given confusion with Comcast. Darcy Rowell asked about the project completion time and how this would affect the process. Bill Dino asked if the engineering will be done before Town Meeting.
Updates or Correspondence / MBI Readiness Check process update
        Marty received an email from John Furey, that the Town has received approval from the Division of Local Services for the Readiness check. We anticipate receiving the readiness letter by next week.
Updates on Comcast and Matrix
Marty reported that we will be meeting with Comcast this Friday.        
Nina asked that we add an update on Matrix to the list for comprehensiveness and then reported that the Town had received responses from counsel for the Matrix proposal that Special Counsel believes that the Town’s ability to control cost, should be addressed by the CPI reference in the Matrix proposal, but that the Town should contact Bond Counsel to clarify the matter of the bond proceeds issue. Bond Counsel indicated that the Matrix plan, if accepted by the Town, would need to be accepted after the current tax exempt bond has matured, would require the town to get a special act to issue renewal notes or bonds for a project which is not operated by an MLP, and would require that the Town issue taxable renewal debt for the bond already in place.
        Stan asked if there was any change of status with MBI regarding Matrix, given that MBI had recommended Comcast for Petersham. Chris Lynch said that the MBI is in the process of reviewing material from them for Petersham.
Review Policies: nonsubscriber drops
        Stan suggested that the policy be updated to reflect that in the PBMLP’s good faith attempt to install a lateral fiber connection during network construction to any qualified location in town if the premises owner subscribes prior to long term financing.
        John K reported that for every lateral not attached saves about $2,000.
        Jane Morrison asked if we worded this properly would this get more people to sign up and commit? Stan responded that it is possible.
        Stan made a motion that the PBMLP revise the Policy to read that the “Princeton Broadband MLP will make a good faith attempt to install a lateral fiber connection during network construction to any qualified location in town if the premises owner subscribes prior to the long term bond financing and grants legal access (“easement”) for lateral and equipment installation and service. Lateral installation costs after long term financing will be borne by the premise owner.” (Revisions shown in italics.)
Discuss Connecting Princeton website updates and Information sessions
        None, but Phil asked if Stan was going to email him the policy.
New Business
         Phil O’Brien presented the historical surveys completed from past Broadband Committee initiatives. Phil is proposing that the PBMLP survey the general population by phone. Lou DiNitale explained that it is needed to have a better understanding of the information, and inform public meetings going forward. You are going to draw information from people who already have an opinion, but you will also find out who doesn’t.
        Judy Dino asked how you would obtain the representative numbers. Lou explained that you can use random digit dials, which would get a representative portion of the Town. Lou stated that there would be about 300 households surveyed.
        Phil explained that one of the pages in the presentation refers to cost, which is between $3,000 to $5,000. Jon asked if a portion of the $1.2 million was permitted for this survey effort. Nina explained that in the past Special Counsel advised that in his view, given that bringing broadband to the town was a benefit to the entire town, and therefore it was not an improper use of tax funds. The PBMLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Edie, second by Stan to approve the survey effort and the expenditure.
Old Business
Public Comment
        Chris Nowell asked if the dates for the informational meetings and the Town Meeting had been set. Nina explained that the date for the Special Town Meeting would likely be September 13th, but that it was subject to a subsequent Town Election vote. Phil O’Brien explained that the Marketing Team will meet on July 27th and discuss informational meetings.
        John K. reported that Mr. Kall Koch of 41 Schoolhouse Road asked that John K. inform the Board that he wishes to have the Board consider a shorter bond term than the 20 years. Jon F. asked if the resident specified how many years, John K. said that he didn’t.
5:55 PM – PBMLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Jon, second by Edie to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

PBMLP referenced documents or correspondence:   PBMLP information and policy discussions, effective March 10, 2016; and A Telephone Survey of Princeton Residents presentation.

Minutes Approved on July 26, 2016