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July 12, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass. – July 12, 2016 – 5:00 PM
Meeting Minutes - Princeton Broadband Municipal Light Plant (PBMLP)
                5:00 PM Meeting opened with PBMLP members Stan Moss, Edie Morgan, Jon Fudeman, T.A. Nina Nazarian, Asst. Mgr. Marty Dell’Erba, John Kowaleski, Phil Leaman of LINX Associates, Inc. and residents in attendance.
Approve minutes
        The PBMLP approved the minutes for June 1st, 14th, 21st, and 28th.
Authorize any payments required
        The PBMLP voted to approve payment to Ferriter in the amount of $1,328.00. The PBMLP reviewed the invoice from PMLD for Make Ready work. The funds were approved previously (04/19/16).
Updates on Design/Engineering contract
        Phil Leaman explained that we have placed the engineering contract on a temporary hold, given confusion with Comcast. Darcy Rowell asked about the project completion time and how this would affect the process. Bill Dino asked if the engineering will be done before Town Meeting.
Updates or Correspondence / MBI Readiness Check process update
        Marty provided a quick update that the information was sent in. Marty received a communication today that our contact hopes to have a recommendation letter by the end of next week.
Updates on Comcast
        Marty said that we have received some comments/calls from residents that Comcast is in Town. Due to complaints and questions, Alicia Matthews contacted Marty to let him know that they were in fact surveying the area to develop information. Marty pressed for a meeting, and Comcast agreed to an initial meeting, but they indicated that it could not be held in public. Darcy Rowell expressed concerns with regard to Comcast’s meeting not being open to the public.
        Discussion went forward with regard to the date of the anticipated Special Town Meeting. Stan mentioned that logistics had not yet been secured for the date, i.e. availability of all stakeholders. Bill Dino asked if this meant this would push the schedule back for Special Town Meeting, expressing concern that if we go to Town Meeting after September, that this project could be pushed out 1 year. John K. asked if the MLP was planning to go to Town Meeting without a bid. Stan provided an update on the design aspects of the construction. Jake suggested that the information be put into a summarized fashion.
Review Policies: Underground, nonsubscriber drops
        Discuss/take action at the next meeting. Stan elaborated on the anticipated proposal. Discussion took place over subscribership and whether or not folks would wait to sign up initially, or sit back and see what happened.
Discuss Connecting Princeton website updates and Information sessions
        Nothing on website. Phil O’Brian is looking at the information sessions and what the format may look like.
New Business
        Nina suggested as a joint recommendation from Marty, and Phil Leaman, that there be a Technical Team, similar to having a Marketing Team. The team was proposed with 5 individuals, consisting of Phil Leaman, John K. and Marty Dell’Erba. The PBMLP was supportive of the idea.
Old Business
        Subsequent agenda’s, Stan asked that we include Make Ready Updates. Phil Leaman asked if we were going to Town Meeting with a design or without a design. Stan asked Phil Leaman his opinion, Phil said that he would suggest that we just go to Town Meeting.
Public Comment
        John Rowell expressed concerns that the PBMLP needs to move forward without the Special Town Meeting.
        Darcy Rowell expressed her concerns regarding the project schedule, she asked for more detail. She expressed that we keep getting off schedule and passing drop dead dates.
        Matt Russell said he was concerned and that this something that needs to come to Princeton otherwise he – himself may move out of town.
        Bill Dino said that the PBMLP has lost its credibility based on the loss in timeline.
        Larry Todd said that he attended this meeting because of the post card he received, he hopes that we can work cooperatively with other groups, because he is concerned that there is too many divergent groups and hope that they can all work together.
Manager Updates – Assistant Manager Hourly to Salary
        Nina presented information regarding her review of the Assistant Manager’s position and his current compensation. Nina explained that Marty has done a very professional job in his role, that he has met deadlines under considerable pressure (such as the annual audit paperwork required by the state, grant reimbursements, and grant applications. Nina mentioned that she anticipates that Marty’s workload will only increase with the setting of a Special Town Meeting, and that she planned to transition Marty’s compensation from hourly (up to 19 hours per week) to salary (commensurate to 19 hours per week, but at a higher rate). Nina explained that from her understanding this action was within her purview as the manager, but that she felt that it was not appropriate to make the unilateral decision without consulting with the PBMLP to ensure that the intent of their initial appropriation for Marty’s salary was consistent with this proposal. Each PBMLP member verbally expressed support.
6:05 PM The MLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Stan second by Jon to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

PBMLP referenced documents or correspondence:   Recommendation/plan to transition the Assistant Manager from hourly to salary.

Minutes Approved on July 19, 2016