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June 28, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass. – June 28, 2016 – 5:00 PM
Meeting Minutes - Princeton Broadband Municipal Light Plant (PBMLP)
                5:02 PM Meeting opened with PBMLP members Stan Moss, Edie Morgan, Jon Fudeman, T.A. Nina Nazarian, Asst. Mgr. Marty Dell’Erba, John Kowaleski, Phil O’Brien, Phil Leaman of LINX Associates, Inc. and residents in attendance.
Approve minutes
        Next meeting. Nina reminded the attendees that even though minutes are not approved, they are public documents and can be obtained. Next meeting was scheduled for July 12th due to conflicts.
Authorize any payments required
Set Special Town Meeting date
        Stan mentioned his interest to set a Special Town Meeting. The PBMLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Stan, second by Edie, that the PBMLP ask the Board of Selectmen to set a Special Town Meeting Date of Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at site to be determined for approval of borrowing from Broadband project.
        Stan began discussion on the matter of informational meetings.
Finalize and sign Design/Engineering contract
         Moved forward to another date. Nina does not believe she received the documents to be sent to legal counsel for review. Stan provided an update regarding the procurement process, and that there is a chance that we could work with Corning, who is on the state bid list, for purchase of materials, and they would design the project, making the design cost de minims. Phil Leaman provided some additional information about Corning.
        Darcy Rowell asked how long it would take for the Town to decide whether or not the Corning option is viable. Phil responded that it would take a couple weeks.
        Matt Russell asked about the potential for overbuilding the design. Phil Leaman said that there should be no overbuild. Who does oversight? Phil responded that LINX will be overseeing the work.
Updates or Correspondence/ MBI Readiness Check process update
        Stan explained that last week Marty sent in the readiness check. The MBI has asked for us to fill out another form regarding the model regarding depreciation. When they met with John Furey at MBI, the readiness process takes about 2 weeks. Marty explained that this paperwork is for obtaining the ~$900k construction grant. Stan reminded everyone that it is a reimbursement grant.
        Marty said that the Light Department is 70-80 % ready with pre-make ready work. Pole setting company, USA, Inc. has had a meeting this week. They will begin setting poles tomorrow. 148 poles to be replaced. Edie asked if Verizon had a timeline to complete their work, and Marty said that it could be about 2 months, but there are no guarantees.
Review Underground policy
        Defer to future date.   
Discuss Connecting Princeton website updates
         The PBMLP acknowledged the work of Phil O’Brien to update the Town website and how the information is current. Chad Steiner asked if there was an image that showed the timeline. Phil indicated that he was working on it.
New Business
Old Business
Public Comment
         Chris Knoll asked if the PBMLP had been narrowing down the players (i.e. Comcast, Matrix, etc). Stan responded that we will probably need to have final answers at least two weeks before Town Meeting. He explained that we have only gotten one email and one phone call for Comcast. For Matrix, Hardwick, Montague, and Petersham. Chris Lynch provided a clarification that the MBI met with the communities last week and have no issue with the Town moving forward with Matrix.
        Phil Gransewicz asked if there has been additional thought given to the last 200 feet to residents. He suggested a drawing example. Stan explained the policy as it remains today, but noted that there will likely be further discussion on this matter at the next meeting on July 12th.
        Edie pointed out that the availability to have internet should be provided to everyone.
        Further discussion about the engineering contract signing.
        Edie asked what happens with lots that currently do not have a building. Phil Leaman explained that the lot would have a drop and they would have to contact the Town to coordinate the details to hook up. Edie asked if the install would be costly. John K. explained that there is already going to be spare fiber slack in the lines.
5:58 PM The MLP voted 3-0 on a motion by Stan second by Jon to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

PBMLP referenced documents or correspondence:   Emails by John Kowaleski and Mark Liberis.

Minutes Approved on July 12, 2016

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department