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June 14, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass. – June 14, 2016 – 5:00 PM
Meeting Minutes - PBMLP

6:01 PM Meeting opened with PBMLP members Stan Moss, chair, Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman, Nina Nazarian, T.A. Nina Nazarian and Asst. Mgr. Marty Dell’Erba, John Kowaleski, Phil O’Brien, and Phil Leaman from LINX Associates, Inc.
Approve Minutes
        The MLP voted 3-0 by Edie, second by Jon to approve the minutes of June 8, 2016.
Authorize any payments required
        The MLP voted 3-0 by Jon made motion, Edie seconded to approve payment to Ferriter & Ferriter LLC in the amount of $1,325.00 for professional legal services.
Stan announced that the meeting was being recorded
Continue Discussion on Special Town Meeting (if desired)
        Stan suggested that we wait until the Comcast issue is resolved. Edie said that would be ok, so long as we were collecting our facts and building the information which we plan to present. Phil O’Brien said that he could begin working on this as soon as the MLP would like. Stan described the information which was put together regarding the 90 days and Special Town Meeting and Special Town Election. There was discussion on special Town Meeting dates and informational session options. Edie clarified that she wishes to have the MLP hold informational meetings to clarify that the Princeton run and built FTTH proposal is being completed by qualified people
Updates or Correspondence/ MBI Readiness Check update
        Stan proposed that Marty and Phil O’Brien should work together to get all the information available about Comcast, Matrix, etc. on the Connecting Princeton website.
        Stan distributed the Decision Time for Princeton document completed by John K, as well as the MBI Staff Recommendation Regarding Matrix and Comcast Grant Proposals for Montague and Hardwick.
        Marty provided an update on PMLD’s make ready work, specifically that the pole setting contract has been finalized, poles ordered and some delivered to their sites. Poles are scheduled to begin getting installed next week.
        Marty discussed the letter sent to the MBI last week. He mentioned that he has received a verbal response from the MBI that they will not be the liaison for Comcast, but is waiting to receive it in a written communication, so that the Town can move directly to conversing with Comcast.
Cell Tower dark fiber lease possibility update
        Marty explained that he had received email from American Tower they will at this time pass on discussions regarding leasing dark fiber from the Town. Jon explained that he had done some research on dark fiber. Jon concluded that it there is probably not going to be an awful lot of money for Princeton. He acknowledged that all the numerous conversations he had are hearsay, but it’s what he has gathered.
New Business
        Jon mentioned the correspondence from Stephen Jones. Mr. Jones had asked Jon to complete a forecast for the broadband project. Jon has thought of this some more, is that it is not possible to do a forecast for something that does not have a precedence. Jon said that a “what if” scenario could be completed. Such as, what if we had x number of subscribers.
        Edie asked Jon why he thought AT&T and Verizon wireless would solve the need to FTTH. She pointed out that no matter what it would require fiber for the backbone.
        After some discussion about information to be posted to the website, the MLP decided to ask Marty and Phil O’Brien to prepare a draft policy on web postings.
Old Business
        Stan indicated that he and others would like a copy of the Risk Analysis. That the risks should be prioritized in order of importance. Jon indicated that he would get the information out.
        Bill Dino mentioned that there is always going to be individuals interested in signing up, given that FTTH is the premier option. Jon stated that his concern is that the single biggest risk is having enough paying customers.
Public Comment
6:15 PM The Board voted 3-0 on a motion by Jon, second by Edie to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

PBMLP referenced documents or correspondence:   Decision Time for Princeton, MBI Staff Recommendation Regarding Matrix and Comcast Grant Proposals for Montague and Hardwick.

Minutes Approved on July 12, 2016