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April 12, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass. – April 12, 2016 – 5 pm
Meeting Minutes  -  PBMLP

5:05 PM   Meeting opened with PBMLP members Stan Moss, chair, Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman and T.A. Nina Nazarian, Asst. Mgr Marty Dell’Erba, Phil Leaman, John Kowaleski, and residents
                 The board had reviewed the annual report required for auditing, which included the bond anticipation note. They voted all in favor to approve the annual report. A total of $823,000 in payments has been made. Payments pending to Phil Leaman, to Marty and to Atty. Ferriter. Design costs total $90,000 from different firms.
        Discussion on setting a STM date, choices are: now or in September. Group discussed risk of under-funding if request at town meeting is too low. Edith favored STM held earlier rather than later. The issue of a 20 percent contingency was questioned, and Phil L. said it wasn’t too high, and that the PBMLP would always want a very tight design. Agreement was to ask Atty. Ferriter if it would be lawful to craft language for a bonus for contractors with no change-orders, possibly 8-12 percent.
        Group went over material costs, estimating pedestals at $98,000; $46,000 splicing and testing; $263,000 for trenching. A total was estimated for materials at $1,031.000.
        It was noted that the website wording could be clarified, where it offers to “hook you up.” An option could be to not install drops to a house until customer subscribes, but maybe not eliminate anyone until the installation has gone by on their street. Timing of sign-ups is a continuing issue. Jim O’Coin recommended getting some bid numbers and explained that the town shouldn’t be responsible for extreme installations that are a long distance from road. He also announced that volunteers for broadband would be at P.O. Place this Saturday to talk to residents.
        Discussion continued on STM date. Possible survey was suggested to poll voters on what the people of Princeton would prefer; concreteness on $ or less certainty with less delay. Neither seemed to make sense to the group, but it was acknowledged that neither option was ideal. Stan suggested a caveat in the motion at STM that the town would not build the network until 700 people have signed up, or not even go to STM until 700 have signed up. He referred to Leverett as an example, where they had 11 percent initially signed up until NationalGrid came in and make-ready became a visible reality on the roadways, then residents signed up quickly. The Board agreed to continue discussion on this matter.
        John K. estimates that it could take 13 weeks to get bids opened, and suggested a non-traditional time (not worrying about the summer). Group discussed methods of getting information out about STM and construction costs, perhaps have bids in hand. Stan and Edith agreed with Phil L. recommendation to get engineering firms going—to move forward. Discussed how the MBI information would impact the PBMLP decision to move forward. Jon F. had contacted Elizabeth Copeland from the MBI and Comcast rep. Alecia Mathews and Comcast was very interested. Edith noted that the town should retain control, including funding. Stan pointed out that the BOS has notified the MBI, in a letter, that the town broadband effort will not slow down to accommodate vendor requests.
        Group discussed a subscription mailer and will ask Atty. Ferriter if such info can go out on BOS letterhead.
6:47 PM  The MLP voted to approve payment to Ferriter & Ferriter of $2,521.50. Discussion about meeting next Tuesday and decided to meet before the 5 PM BOS meeting, at 4:30 PM.
        Marty presented correspondence from Mr. Troustel and suggested that the MLP may wish to consider his suggestions. MLP discussed getting high school students to participate in a campaign.
        Stan asked for public comment. No one came forward.
6:57 PM  Board voted to adjourn

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator
Minutes Approved on May 12th

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department