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March 29, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass. – March 29, 2016 – 7 pm
Meeting Minutes  -  PBMLP

7:30 PM   Meeting opened with PBMLP members Stan Moss, chair, Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman and T.A. Nina Nazarian, Asst. Mgr Marty Dell’Erba, John Kowaleski, and residents
        The board opened up the meeting to residents’ questions. Denise White on Worcester Road asked about buried wire. There was some explanation about distances around town, and about four miles are buried on public roads, mainly newer subdivisions such as Hickory Drive. It may be practical to reuse copper conduit to pull telecom wire through. Derrick Chase from Country Lane asked about timeframes for underground work to homes, Group noted that enough time will be available for private property work. Chris Knoll from Oak Circle asked about future maintenance of equipment, such as the huts, and was told that there would be an operations and management company under contract. Charlie Cary asked about the possibility of debt-service years diminishing with increase in subscriptions; also, questioned the decision to make the project subscription-based. He asked why the big vendors (Comcast) don’t come in and do it for us.
        Stan answered that national vendors are looking for density. Discussion turned to improvements in wireless and improvements in that technology that would bring up the speed. Stan replied that it has been researched but it involved too many challenges and it didn’t make sense. Michael Gote talked about shortfalls of wireless. Also, Harry Strock pointed out that the town residents’ overwhelming support was for fiber-optic. He then started  to converse with Jon F. about risks, with Strock surmising that there was no real technological risk, but what about financial risk? Jon said when borrowing $5.9 million there is going to be risk. He brought up the possibility of losing customers if there’s a move away from land lines and added that there was no risk assessment done when the wind turbines were installed. Possibility of crafting a risk assessment was noted, and Stan asked who would do one, with Jon offering to do it and Stan agreed.
        Stan noted that of the seven vendors the PBMLP has spoken with, all suggested we’d have a close to 80 percent subscription rate. The issue about Invitation For Bids occurring before or after ATM was discussed. Charlie Cary asked if it’s too late for a town meeting article to get it on the tax bill. Group didn’t support that idea and noted that even after town meeting votes to borrow construction funds, the subscribers will pay going forward.
        In answer to question about number of DSL Verizon customers in town, Stan said maybe about 300 but there’s no access to that info. Estimates are based on a survey that got a 34 percent response rate.
        Group noted that internet use is growing and demand for big volume broadband, with most TV, games and movies available by streaming, even tele-medicine—it consequently seemed unlikely that anyone would lose any money. Jon defined risk analysis in three steps:  identify; quantify & manage. He offered to provide a risk analysis and involve Bill Dino, who agreed only if ways to mitigate would be considered.
        Stan listed the line items that add up to the $95 proposed monthly subscription rate and said there was no plan to increase that. If residents do not subscribe right away, they would have to pay full cost of installing lateral connection to the house in the future. Stan explained that the PBMLP could not extend the project with $200 fee for laterals beyond the project’s timeline, since it’s after the funds have been borrowed, and also due to logistics of the mobalization.
        Patrick Deyo asked about a “bundled” deal, with TV and phone included. Stan said adding TV might add $2 – 2.5 million to the cost. Shrewsbury, as an example, says that they break even on TV. With broadband, everything is available over internet anyway. Discussion continued on history of the broadband effort and the Ayacht WiFi that PMLD got started. It was noted that Verizon is not investing any money in infrastructure, mainly due to maintenance costs. They envision wireless to the home, and anticipate that it can be improved. Some see potential value in wireless.
        A “benefits document” was brought up, and it was stated that real estate values will go up, according to local brokers. Jon F. agrees that PBMLP needs to consider benefits, as in a cost benefit analysis. Stan reported that realtors have said there’s a $10 – 15,000 increase in value, and that properties are currently undervalued by $15./sq.ft. Pat D. asked about the barriers to getting 100 percent participation. Edith said maybe the elderly; also, new Smart TVs are run on wireless. It was noted that Leverett has captured over 80 percent of households. The “telemedicine” angle may be a benefit for marketing to elderly.

8:40 PM  PBMLP went into recess.

8:49 PM  PBMLP reconvened. They considered paying Verizon for the pole licenses completed recently. Lic. #6 is $14,999.90; #8 is $29,810.07 and #9 is $17,433.91.  Edith and Stan voted to pay the total of $62,243.88 with Jon abstaining. They discussed issues and possibly getting legal counsel regarding Lic. #5 at $2,376 and Lic. #7 at $2,376. With Jon F. abstaining, Edith and Stan then voted to cut checks for Lic. #5 & 7 at a total of $4,752 but hold off paying until next meeting.
        Nina reported that Elizabeth Copeland called from MBI with notice that Comcast may be interested--to work in Princeton. Stan pointed out they’d have to wire entire town and recoup $1.2 million. Bill Dino explained the system they’d use as similar to a copper wire design, except there is fiber coming in and COAX wire going out. Board members have concerns but overall would like to speak with Comcast.
        Marty asked about a consultant such as MBI who could assist in working with Verizon on the pole issues.

9:11 PM  Board voted to adjourn

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

Minutes Approved on May 12th

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department