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Feb. 2, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass. – Feb. 2, 2016 – 5 pm
Meeting Minutes  -  PBMLP
5:02 PM   Meeting opened with PBMLP members Stan Moss, chair, Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman and T.A. Nina Nazarian, Phil Leaman, John Kowaleski, and Phil O’Brien in attendance, plus meeting attendees.
5:50 PM  Nina reported that the asst. manager position has received nine applications. Verizon’s engineering firm submitted sections for review and expect to get two more submitted. Probably all will be reviewed no later than March. John K. will look into schedule deadlines with Verizon. Phil L. reported that the equipment huts were delivered to the DPW yard on Wednesday.
        Stan explained the advantages of PBMLP running laterals to all houses and wants to see policy on this finalized. A funding model is being reviewed internally along with other network operators. Model will be released in about two weeks. Stan says the upper estimate per month will be $95. Still to be finalized is whether laterals are to be placed on the total buildout. He estimates cost for laterals at $10,000 per house average. Jon F. noted that of monthly fee of $95, $60 goes to debt, overhead etc. and $35 pays for direct costs such as backhaul, ISP, administration etc. Stan explained that in some municipalities where non-direct costs are coming in higher than expected due to number of subscribers, they have paid back the debt sooner.
        Clarified cost for installing underground laterals, set at appx. $15./ft. is based on premise that existing trench/conduit is unusable . If there is usable conduit with pull line available, cost is more like $3./ft., same as aerial install. One concept is to set a dollar threshold and charge for anything over that amount. Edith asked about new construction—most likely homeowner would pay for infrastructure
5:40 PM  Group considered correspondence and public comment. The board thanked Mr. Roul. Clair Golding asked how PBMLP will establish a timetable for deciding on policies and would it be when the town receives bids. Stan responded that the laterals are an important factor and his group needs to make a decision soon.

5:50 PM  PBMLP Board voted to go into executive session: Edith made motion “To go into executive session under the provision of Ch. 30A, Sect. 21, Exemption 10, To discuss trade secrets or confidential, competitively sensitive or other proprietary information, if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the public body and to adjourn from executive session and not re-open regular session.” and Jon F. seconded the motion. Stan M. called for a vote and in roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon Voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.”  The board voted all in favor to expand executive session participants to include: Steve Cullen, Jim O’Coin, John K. and Phil O’Brien, Alex Sweeney, Clair Golding, Claire Degutis and this group signed non-disclosure forms.

Respectfully submitted,   Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department