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Dec. 21, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass. – Dec. 21, 2015 – 8:30 AM
Meeting Minutes  -  PBMLP
8:41 AM   Meeting opened with PBMLP members Stan Moss, chair, Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman and T.A. Nina Nazarian
Executive Session
PBMLP Board voted to go into executive session: Edith made motion “To go into executive session under the provision of Ch. 30A, Sect. 21, Exemption 10, To discuss trade secrets or confidential, competitively sensitive or other proprietary information, if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the public body and to close executive session and re-open regular session.” and Jon F. seconded the motion. Stan M.. called for a vote and in roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon Voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.”  
9 AM  Group closed executive session and continued in open session.
Members discussed marketing strategy and presenting information to townspeople; strategy to be developed and delivered by the marketing team led by Phil O’Brien.Edith suggested a panel of experts to answer questions at public forums. The STM date needs to be set, and voter turnout could be especially large. Edith suggested using Heritage Bible Chapel for what could be an overflow crowd. Some discussion continued about role of asst. project manager, whether it’s simply a clerical/scheduling job.
9:10 AM  Tech consultant Phil Leaman arrived
9:14 AM  Nina N. left to catch a flight for vacation
Stan asked that Phil L. receive (by email) outline of asst. mgr. position. Similar job postings from other communities were distributed. Phil reported on progress with pole surveys and Verizon. Communications have been somewhat convoluted with Verizon going to PMLD’s Brian Allen instead of Phil L. He described survey process of using photos and GPS, and said about 1,000 poles are completed. PMLD is getting paid to do the work and should be doing most of it. Phil L. and John K. are looking at a concrete telecom hut in Conn. and a steel one in NJ is being considered      John K. suggests the need for specifications on the generator installations such as propane delivery and tank placement.
9:55 AM  Group noted reports of a dislocate between WiredWest and MBI. Princeton is a member town in WiredWest but is not involved in the regional build. Phil O. recommended that Stan have a statement ready in case any media look for position from each of the member towns. Group voted all in favor to have Phil O. prepare a contingency statement in anticipation of inquiries from any media/news agencies.
Phil O. reported that he has successfully reserved the URL: and has some potential volunteers to do graphic/website design. John K. offered to do some of the preliminary set-up tasks. MLP members voted all in favor to authorize Phil O. to spend up to $1,500 for a website designer with a site to allow subscriber sign-up and payment, to procure graphic design, web support and initial hosting fees.
        Group discussed pros and cons of fixing a final cost for the entire project and whether it should precede or follow the funding article at the STM. They also noted need for RFP (request for proposals) which may be superseded by IFB (invitation for bids) and discussed state requirements. Phil L. insisted that the MLP policy position must be set right away, as subscriber issues can take up lots of time—especially driveway delivery, technique and length of “drops” and who pays for what.
        Phil L. warned that the asst. mgr. position has not progressed and that any outside person would need plenty of time to get familiar with (especially) the players. He will finalize the asst. mgr. position details so it can be advertised after the next PBMLP meeting.

10:30 AM  Board voted all in favor to approve PBMLP minutes for Oct. 7; Oct. 28 with Exec. Sess.; Nov. 3 Exec. Sess.; Nov. 9 with Exec. Sess.; Nov. 23; Nov. 23 w/Adv. Bd.; Dec. 1 Exec. Sess. and Dec. 7.
        Stan listed items for PBMLP meeting on Jan. 4 at 2 PM: 1) approve final version of project asst. mgr. position; 2) continue discussion on marketing and timelines; 3) set policies.

10:40 AM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,  T.A. Nina Nazarian & Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

PBMLP Referenced Documents:  Draft job descriptions/samples for Assistant General Manager

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department