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Dec. 7, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass. – Dec. 7, 2015 – 10 AM
Meeting Minutes  -  PBMLP
10:45 AM  After a delay to make quorum, meeting opened with PBMLP members Stan Moss, chair, and Edith Morgan with Jon Fudeman absent, plus Phil Leaman of Linx and T.A. Nina Nazarian.
         Nina announced that she has started on a job description for an assistant to the PBMLP manager and project coordinator. Group agreed to a 15 minute meeting before the BOS meeting at 5 PM on Dec. 14, to approve the job description. Nina will be absent from the Dec. 21 PBMLP meeting.
        Stan focused on agenda items, noting that Nina will be guiding them through the 30B process. Phil L. has met with engineering firms to do survey work for Hut #1 at PMLD. Time is getting shorter for pouring concrete for the foundation pad. The pad must be ready to take the hut when it’s delivered, as a crane is engaged to install it in one step. Phil said town will pay for hut directly and his firm won’t act as broker. The generator at PMLD will be replaced with a better one that can service the hut in addition to PMLD.
        Nina requests that a site plan(s) at PMLD needs to include both existing conditions and proposed conditions, with conduit and foundation details along with setbacks and property lines. If PMLD’s lot was created before zoning (1957) then the side/back setback can be 10’ or must be 30’ for lots created since 1957. Setback from street frontage must be 50’. Discussion about rules for procurement continued and whether no bidding is required if it’s a public works job under $10,000 or it the threshold is $25,000. Nina noted that rules are different for materials, labor etc.
        PBMLP members voted all in favor to authorize the manager to start work and spend funds for construction/installation of telecom hut at PMLD site. Board discussed issue of waiving construction permit fees for town-owned projects, staff will research if a formal protocol was ever adopted by BOS.
        Phil O’Brien, who is doing marketing for PBMLP, is seeking a volunteer to provide graphic and web design services. He has a new press release regarding the recent submissions of pole applications by the town. Edith asks for news releases to be more oriented to customer benefits and sales. Group discussed options for the project manager position.
        Phil wants to get started on the RFP for actual physical construction, and suggests looking at the RFP from Leverett.
11:45 AM  Board voted all in favor to approve PBMLP minutes from Sept. 1; Sept. 21 & 24 with minor changes; Oct. 5 & 19 and hold off on Oct. 7 for clarification.
11:50 AM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn

Respectfully submitted,  Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department