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Oct. 20, 2014
  Town of Princeton, Mass. --– Oct. 20, 2014  -- Minutes
8:20 PM   The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Stan Moss, Neil Sulmasy, Edith Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.

As the MLP Board, selectmen opened the meeting for Broadband Municipal Light Plant Board, with a majority of Broadband Committee members present. The board voted all in favor to accept minutes from Sept. 22. Stan M. reported on Broadband progress and went over the proposal from Matrix Design Associates for their “Design, Build and Operate Solution” with specifications as outlined in documents that were distributed. The board reviewed the MOU [memorandum of understanding] and Stan described the “Make Ready” costs using estimated from industry experts. The Broadband Committee has reviewed and approved the estimates and police chief has indicated where/when police details are recommended for street-side installations on utility poles. All cost figures were presented in a spreadsheet titled “PMLD and Linx Aerial Make Ready Cost Estimates” including the MLP’s startup costs (legal and various fees). The group discussed potential for financial help from MassBroadband and a Community Assistance Bond Bill. The town needs a Special Town Meeting to borrow funds for these “make ready” and start-up costs, followed by a ballot election to approve a 20-year debt exclusion. Future broadband costs will be carried by subscribers.
        A Ballot Initiative Committee, “Friends of Princeton Broadband,” has been formed to campaign for town approval of funding start-up costs of the broadband project, as town funds cannot be spent for campaigning—only for presenting facts. Stan pointed out that there have already been several public information sessions and anyone can contact any Broadband Committee member via their website or by calling Town Hall for info if they prefer to ask questions outside of a public forum. A brochure from the BIC is ready to be mailed and informational meetings are being scheduled (for Wed., Nov. 12 and Thur., Nov. 13) at 7 PM. A request will be made to set the Spec. Town Mtg. for Nov. 18 and the ballot election for Dec. 9. Selectmen praised the Broadband Committee for their two years of dedicated work on the project.

9:05 PM  The MLP members voted all in favor to eliminate Section 47c from the MOU which is the agreement with Matrix who is responsible for the design. They then voted all in favor to sign the MOU with Matrix, as amended. The contract is for 20 years. The board then voted all in favor to ask the BOS to schedule a Special Town Meeting for the purpose of authorizing funds for Make-Ready work and related costs on Nov. 18 to be followed by a ballot election on Dec. 9. They then voted to post meetings of the MLP and Broadband Cmte. in conjunction with any public information meeting when an available date is finalized.

9:22 PM  The MLP Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

MLP Referenced Documents:  Matrix Design Group DBO outline; Princeton Broadband MLP director’s memo; MLP agenda for 10/20/14; MLP minutes for 9/22/14; Memo of Understanding (MOU) signed by Matrix; calendar from MLP for October-November; PMLD and Linx Aerial Make Ready cost estimates.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department