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March 19, 2015
Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
March 19, 2015
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

Attendees:  Joyce Anderson, Sheila Dubman, Joe Lee, Matt Lindberg and Mickey Splaine.  
Guest: Phyllis Booth

Members accepted the meeting minutes from February, 2015.

Four Corners NR Update:
  • Joyce reported that the Four Corners/Goodnow Farm National Register District has been accepted by Mass Historic on 3/11/2015 and will be presented to the Park Service in D.C. this summer.
  • The group agreed to use this current year’s funding as a down payment on the two markers needed for Four Corners/Goodnow Farm and raise additional funds from property owners.
  • Joyce will start drafting text for the markers and the group will work on final copy. We will decide if both markers will be the same or will concentrate on the proximate views from each site.
  • The group agreed that a site visit will be necessary as soon as weather permits.
Casting of Daniel Parkhurst’s Headstone: Sheila has contacted the Gravestone Girls about our interest in having them make castings of the Parkhurst headstone, requesting more information about the costs and the variety of options available. We have not yet gotten a reply.
Eagle Scout Project:
  • Teddy Lindberg has expressed interest in doing a public service project which would involve supervision by the PHC. The group expressed confidence in Teddy and willingness to work with him.
  • The proposed project would involve documenting the broken and endangered stones in Woodlawn Cemetery and could become the basis of a larger grant application.
  • Joyce and Joe offered to act as PHC liaisons and will ask Teddy to write a proposal and meet with us.
Meeting House Cemetery:
  • Joyce suggested contacting Worcester Voc. Tech to see if their students may repair the Brooks family iron railing.
  • Superintendent Andy Brown has expressed interest in restoring the original Mountain Road entrance to the Cemetery and concern about the condition of the current fence.
  • The group discussed Andy’s wish to remove the oak tree near the current entrance. Joe described his many efforts, over many years, to save the tree.
  • The group agreed to invite Andy to a meeting to discuss his ideas and offer our own. The group was unanimous in expressing a desire to work collaboratively with the Cemetery Commission and the Superintendent.
Town Common Guidelines:
  • The group discussed Reading’s Town Common Guidelines. Joyce recalled that Reading’s guidelines were originally recommended to us by Dennis Rindone. We went through Reading’s guidelines and began to tailor them to our needs.
  • The group affirmed our intent to involve Town residents through a series of charrettes.
  • Matt agreed to research the original Goodnow deed which granted the Commons to the town.
  • Sheila and Joyce will redraft our guidelines and share them with the members for comment. We will use the finalized guidelines to draft a proposed by-law.
Next Meeting: April 23, 2015
Respectfully submitted, Mickey Splaine and Sheila Dubman