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April 17, 2014
Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
April 17, 2014
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

Attendees:  Joyce Anderson, Sheila Dubman, Alex Fiandaca, Joe Lee and Mickey Splaine.  

Members unanimously accepted the  meeting minutes from March 20th, 2014.

Daniel Parkhurst
Sheila has sent a receipt from the Town for Daniel’s gravestone as requested by Barbara Charles along with a thank you note.  Sheila will continue to look into the possibility of a state commendation for Barbara and her husband, Bob Staples.  The story of Daniel’s return was captured in the April 10th issue of the Landmark.  
Members will meet with the Cemetery Commission at their next meeting, Monday April 28th at 7 PM, to continue discussing Daniel’s future.

Meetinghouse Cemetery
John has not yet confirmed if the article requesting funds for Meetinghouse Cemetery ($3,500) will be put on the Town Warrant or if the Commission must appear before the Advisory Board.  
Members are planning to meet at the cemetery on Saturday, April 26th to reset footstones from 9 AM until about noon.  Members discussed the possibility of holding a future workshop for Scouts.  

May 31st Cemetery Tour/250th Anniversary of the Congregational Church
Alex met with Rev. Linda Michel on April 8th to discuss the event/tour on Saturday, May 31.  The event will run from 10:30 AM to 2:00 PM.  The event will start at the Church with a presentation by the Gravestone Girls followed by lunch at the church.  Participants will be encouraged to walk or carpool to Meetinghouse Cemetery for the tour.  Linda offered to contact Jim Camp about the possibility of visiting Sunset Rock prior to the tour.  Alex will continue working on the booklet and Linda will handle promotion.  Members suggested police notification (Alex will contact) and a rain date of either June 1st or the following Saturday.  A follow-up planning meeting will be held on May 5th with Rev Linda, Alex, Sheila and possibly the Gravestone Girls.  

Redemption Rock Tercentenary Marker
Sheila drafted a letter (with editing input from Matt and Mickey) commending the Worcester Technical High School students and their teachers for restoring the Redemption Rock marker and sent it to both the White House and Rep Jim McGovern’s office.  Sheila received acknowledgment from the White House but no firm commitment to include the commendation in the President’s speech.
Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
April 17, 2014
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

$1,400 remains in the Commission’s budget which must be spent or encumbered by June 30 of this year.  Members discussed upcoming/ongoing expenses such as a plaque for Four Corners and the restoration of Meetinghouse Cemetery.  The Four Corners nomination, however, is still under review and there is no outstanding invoice for the cemetery at this time.  Sheila will ask John Lebeaux if funds can be earmarked for either purpose.  Members acknowledged that the most acceptable options will likely be purchasing a storage vault (as discussed previously for the storage of gravestone fragments) and pursuing a National Register Historic District nomination for Boylston Villa and its neighboring farmhouse (also discussed previously).  Mickey offered to look into vaults/dry wells with removable covers and Joyce offered to approach the property owners at 73 and 83 Worcester Road (Lotuff and Howard).

Next Meeting: Thursday, May 15th, 2014 at 6:45 PM at the Town Hall Annex.  Members will carpool to Meetinghouse Cemetery and then reconvene at the Annex.

Respectfully submitted, Alex Fiandaca