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February 20, 2014
Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
February 20, 2014
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

Attendees:  Sheila Dubman, Alex Fiandaca, Joe Lee, Matt Lindberg and Mickey Splaine.  
Reverend Linda Michel also attended for the discussion about the Congregational Church’s 250th anniversary cemetery event.

Members unanimously accepted minutes from the meeting on January 16th, 2014.

Town Warrant Cover
Sheila submitted Phyllis’ photo of the newly restored Redemption Rock Marker to John Lebeaux with her permission for the cover of this year’s town meeting warrant.  Sheila will compose a caption for the photo including photo credit for Phyllis.  

250th Anniversary of the First Congregational Church
Rev. Linda Michel presented her idea for a cemetery tour/event in honor of the Church’s 250th anniversary this year.  Linda learned of the Gravestone Girls, located in Brookfield, MA a few years ago and was impressed by their work.  The Gravestone Girls create casting from old gravestones and instruct others in cemetery art, history and symbolism.  The event would include a talk at the Church in the late morning followed by lunch and a tour of Meetinghouse Cemetery in the afternoon.  Linda indicated that no gravestone rubbings will be performed.  Participants will be charged to cover the Gravestone Girls’ fee of $500.  A box lunch will be included.  Members recognized the significance of the Church in the Town’s history and the appropriateness of celebrating the strong link between the two.   It was suggested that the theme of the cemetery tour be the Worcester Revolution of 1774.  About 25 of Princeton’s Militia Men are buried in Meetinghouse Cemetery and tying this event to the Worcester Revolution of 1774 organization would bring increased advertising.  All were in favor.  Linda has been in contact with Joyce about the event and will arrange a meeting with the Gravestone Girls possibly in March.  Sheila, Joyce and Alex will form a working committee to create a tour booklet.  There was concern about using the Historical Commission’s booklet from the 2006 cemetery tour as is, due to the quality of the photographs.  Alex will try recalled seeing a few remaining booklets at the library and will try to find them.  

Meetinghouse Cemetery
Alex reported that there are about 75 gravestone repairs to go, 20 of which are not leaning but require treatment for delamination.  There have been about 85 repairs to date (volunteer workshop in 2008 = 8; two-day inmate work sessions in 2011 and 2012 = 28; demonstration = 2; Ta Mara Conde = 46).  $7,200 has been spent so far.  This includes fees for the workshop and work session, which totals $1,700. Alex suggested members hold a work day in the spring to reset the intact footstones that have surfaced over the course of the project.  Members were in favor.  

Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
February 20, 2014
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

The Cemetery Commission will host the Historical Commission at their next meeting on Monday, February 24th.  Alex will provide an update on restoration progress at Meetinghouse Cemetery, share the Historical Commission’s plans to pursue a warrant article this year for Meetinghouse restoration funds, propose the idea of a dry well for long-term fragment storage, share our plan to reset intact footstones ourselves and to store repairable footstones in containers and share the news of the May 31st cemetery tour with the Church.

Len Haug’s Art Project  
Princeton artist, Len Haug, is planning a series of paintings with an East Princeton theme from both a current and historical perspective.  Len would like to gain a better understanding of the boundary of East Princeton beyond the Village itself and Alex posed the question to the group.  The boundary of East Princeton has evolved over the years and is difficult to pinpoint.  Information pertaining to former school districts and postal routes might help and Alex will pursue this further for both East Princeton and Everettville.

Next Meeting: Next meeting Thursday, March 20th, 2014 at 7 PM in the Town Hall Annex.                     

Respectfully submitted, Alex Fiandaca