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January 16, 2014
Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
January 16, 2014
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

Attendees:  Joyce Anderson, Sheila Dubman, Alex Fiandaca, Joe Lee, Matt Lindberg and Mickey Splaine.

Members unanimously accepted minutes from the meeting on December 19th, 2013.

Town Warrant Cover
John Lebeaux has asked the Commission to suggest a photo for the cover of this year’s town meeting warrant.  Members agreed that the newly restored Redemption Rock Tercentenary marker is an excellent choice and should reproduce well in black and white.  Joyce offered to refine/straighten the photo in photo shop before submission and Mickey will check his records for photos of the finished marker.

Annual Report
Sheila forwarded a draft of the Commission’s 2013 Annual Report to the Town.  Alex offered clarifications to the section on Meetinghouse Cemetery and explained that new repair efforts were on hold last year primarily due to Ta Mara’s availability.  

Meetinghouse Cemetery
Alex will begin working on cemetery specifics (i.e., number of gravestones awaiting repair and overall work remaining in the cemetery) for the Commission’s justification of an upcoming article for Meetinghouse restoration funds.  Alex asked the Commission if they would be interested in a resetting some of the footstones on a weekend day (or half day) in the spring or summer.  There are about a dozen intact footstones total and resetting at least some of them would address the problem of stray footstones and minimize the number that need to go into storage.  In terms of unsalvageable fragments, Alex suggested to Commission devise a more specific plan regarding a dry well at the cemetery before approaching the Cemetery Commission.

250th Anniversary of the First Congregational Church
Rev. Linda Michel approached Joyce about holding an event at Meetinghouse Cemetery in honor of the Church’s 250th anniversary this year.  Linda’s idea is to invite a group of gravestone artists who create castings from gravestone rubbings.  The group is called the Gravestone Girls, located in Brookfield, MA (  Members were in favor of combining the Church’s event with the Commission’s tour with approval from the Cemetery Commission.  Gravestone rubbings are against the Town’s cemetery regulations, however it might be possible to obtain permission for pre-selected gravestones that are in good condition.  

Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
January 16, 2014
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

Redemption Rock Marker
Joyce read a letter she composed for the Mass Historic Listserv detailing the Commission’s experience with the restoration of the Redemption Rock Tercentenary marker.  Joyce will work with Mickey on a final draft of the letter.  

Members discussed fundraising at length and whether or not fundraising efforts should target a specific goal such as Meetinghouse Cemetery or purchasing an historical marker.  Members were in favor of holding a wine and cheese tasting and silent auction in which proceeds are used for general use. Members also discussed Audubon as a potential venue.  Joyce and Alex will approach the Historical Society to gauge their interest in partnering with the Commission for this event.  

House Plaque
Claire Golding has requested a plaque for her house at 86 Hubbardston Road. Joyce will let Claire know that the Commission is in the process of revising our House Plaque policy and will follow-up soon.

Next Meeting: Next meeting February 20th, 2014 at 7 PM in the Town Hall Annex.                     

Respectfully submitted, Alex Fiandaca