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April 18, 2013
Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
April 18, 2013
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

Attendees:  Sheila Dubman, Alex Fiandaca and Joe Lee.
Members approved minutes from March 21, 2013
House Plaque

Sheila contacted the owners of 34 Goodnow Road to see if they are still interested in a house plaque and they are.  Alex will continue researching the property.

Meetinghouse Cemetery

Alex has contacted Ta Mara and will set up a meeting to discuss obtaining an invoice (or partial invoice) by June 30 in order to use the Commission’s expense account toward Cemetery project.  Alex suggested that an October workshop will give members more time to plan and advertise and will ask Ta Mara about her availability.

Mechanics Hall
Alex reported that the Friends of Mechanics Hall approached the BOS on Monday, April 8th, to request a letter of intent for the Town to enter into a preservation restriction for Mechanics Hall.  The Select Board was very reluctant and the matter is on hold.  Input from others in attendance at the BOS meeting revealed that there are a lot of misconceptions about the National Register and showed the need for further education.
Future Goals
Members talked briefly about goals for this year (public education, Meetinghouse Cemetery and Everettville) and will continue goal setting at the next meeting.  
Next Meeting: May 16, 2013 at 7 PM in the Annex
Respectfully submitted, Alex Fiandaca