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March 21, 2013
Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
March 21, 2013
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

Attendees:  Joyce Anderson, Sheila Dubman, Alex Fiandaca and Joe Lee.
Members approved minutes from February 21, 2013
Redemption Rock Historical Marker

Mickey reported earlier this week that the Worcester Technical High School students have all of the materials needed to complete the work and are awaiting warmer weather to begin sandblasting the marker.


Sheila reviewed the budget following final payment to Anne Forbes’ for the Four Corners nomination:
Expense account: $500
Donations account: $4493.10
Assuming the Commission’s budget is level-funded this year, $1500 will be available July 1st.

Joyce reminded members to plan for a future plaque for Four Corners which will cost approximately $1600.

Meetinghouse Cemetery

Members discussed the dwindling Meetinghouse Cemetery Restoration account which totals $1847.24.  From this, Ta Mara’s 2012 contract for $1000 still needs to be paid once her work is complete.  After some discussion about how to proceed as far as paying for both a workshop and a new contract, members agreed to divide payment of Ta Mara’s 2012 contract between the Meetinghouse Cemetery Restoration account and the Commission’s expense account.  This will spend down the remaining $500 in the expense account and will leave $1347 in the Meetinghouse Cemetery account for a possible workshop and further cemetery work.  Alex has not yet contacted Ta Mara about a workshop and will follow up with her about a one-day volunteer workshop and possible contract for 2013.

Mechanics Hall
Alex reported that the Friends of Mechanics Hall will be approaching the BOS on Monday, April 8th, to request a letter of intent to enter into a preservation restriction for Mechanics Hall.  This will enable the Friends to pursue an Emergency grant from MHC.  The text of the preservation restriction required by MHC (as it pertains to MPPF grants) is standard.  Alex will forward a copy of the Library’s preservation restriction to members.  There was some discussion about other buildings in town with preservation restrictions (MHC-based or otherwise) and whether or not Fernside was among them.  
Next Meeting: April 18, 2013 at 7 PM in the Annex
Respectfully submitted, Alex Fiandaca