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February 21, 2013
Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
February 21, 2013
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

Attendees:  Sheila Dubman, Alex Fiandaca and Matt Lindberg.
Members approved minutes from January 24, 2013 with one correction: clarify wording in Schoolhouse No. 5 section to read: “…applied for a permit to work on his property…”
Four Corners
Anne Forbes’ final bill for her work on the Four Corners nomination has been submitted ($1000).  This bill represents the last of three payments, the first two of which have been paid.  Anne has sent the final draft of the nomination to Joyce and Mass Historic.  Members voted unanimously to accept Anne’s final bill and the completed nomination.  Anne’s bill will be paid from the expense account leaving $500 in that account.  Sheila will ask John to roll the entire amount of the Four Corners Historical Contract ($2500) into the Commission’s donation account which will then have a total of $4493.10.

Meetinghouse Cemetery

The Meeting House Cemetery account (controlled by the town account, not the Commission) has $1847.24 remaining.  $1000 of that is reserved for Ta Mara’s current contract which she began in the fall and will complete this spring.  There are still more gravestones in need of repair and members discussed going to Town Meeting next year to seek additional funds for the continued restoration of Meetinghouse Cemetery.  Previously members discussed the idea of having a one-day volunteer workshop instead of a two-day inmate workshop this year.  This would be a lot less labor intensive for members and would help raise awareness and gain support for a future Town Meeting request.  It would also be less expensive.  With only $847.24 remaining, having both a workshop and a contract this year is not possible.  Members discussed the possibility of using the remaining $500 in the Commission’s expense account toward the Cemetery.  Alex will contact Ta Mara about leading a one-day workshop this spring, prior to the June 30th deadline for expense account expenditures.

Route 140

A preliminary design meeting for the East Princeton Village section of Route 140 was held on February 13th.  GPI presented two different road layouts as well as artist renditions of various sections of Main Street.  GPI explained the differences between rotaries and roundabouts and presented a variety of roundabout designs and the pros and cons of each.  Shoulder widths (3 feet vs. 4 feet) were demonstrated and discussed in the context of bicycles.  GPI has offered to meet with abutters individually and will do so once the snow melts.  The plans that were presented at the meeting are expected to be posted on the town website.

Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
February 21, 2013
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM
Page 2

Mechanics Hall
Alex reported that the Friends of Mechanics Hall will need to seek a preservation restriction for Mechanics Hall in order to accept state preservations funds.  The first step is obtaining a letter of intent from the BOS and the second is an article at Town Meeting.  Both steps are required to demonstrate the Town’s willingness to enter into the agreement in the event that funds are awarded.  The first step is required to apply for preservation funds and the Friends are in the process of pursuing the letter of intent.  If the BOS refuse, then the Friends only recourse will be to skip to step 2 with a citizen’s petition to bring an article to Town Meeting.  Members agreed that the Town should have no less reverence for the historical significance of Mechanics Hall than that of the Library and Bagg Hall, both of which have preservation restrictions.  Members agreed to support the article at Town Meeting when the time comes.  

Next Meeting: March 21, 2013 at 7 PM in the Annex
Respectfully submitted, Alex Fiandaca