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Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
October 18, 2012
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

Attendees: Joyce Anderson, Sheila Dubman, Alex Fiandaca, Joe Lee, Matt Lindberg and Mickey Splaine.
Milford Church
Sheila received a call from a pastor in Milford, NH conducting research for his church’s 250th anniversary.  Princeton resident Humphrey Moore was a founding father of the church in Milford and the pastor is hoping to find more information.  Sheila forwarded a photo found on-line of Humphrey’s father’s gravestone at Meeting House Cemetery.  So far there are no signs of a Moore Farm aside from Abijah Moore’s home on Merriam Road.  Joyce will check the House File and Blake’s genealogy for possible information about where Humphrey might have lived.
Redemption Rock Road Marker
Mickey reported that the students are getting ready to strip the marker.  (They did not do this prior to summer vacation to avoid surface rust prior to painting.)  Once the marker is painted it will be stored in the Highway barn until spring.  Members will plan to invite the students for lunch when the marker is in place.
Mechanics Hall
The Friends of Mechanics Hall have submitted application for 501c3 (non-profit) determination.  The Friends participated in the town-wide yard sale on September 29th which was a successful fundraiser.  Alex reminded members about the Celebrate Mechanics Hall event at Sonoma Restaurant on Thursday, November 15th from 6 to 8 PM.  All members are planning to attend.
342 Ball Hill Road
Joyce was contacted (via the Historical Society) for information about contractors able to provide structural evaluation from the owners of the Robert Cowdin House at 342 Ball Hill Road.  Members agreed that the Commission cannot endorse contractors but should send the owners sources that might help guide the owners, such as the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties at
34 Goodnow Road House Plaque
Alex has not yet researched the deeds and Sheila will contact owners to let them know the plaque has not been forgotten.
20 Allen Hill Road
No news regarding the Steeles’ plan to approach the zoning board about a new garage.  Stakes on their property marking the new garage have been removed.

Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
October 18, 2012
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM\
Page 2
Jocelyn Fay
Sheila and Alex met with Jocelyn Fay, member of the Fay family that lived at 92 Mountain Road and operated a printing press in town.  Jocelyn’s collection, which includes personal journals and other documents, has been donated to the Historical Society.  Joyce will send members information about the Fay family’s tablet bearing the Ten Commandments on Mountain Road.  Apparently the slate tablet was moved across the road from the Fay home during a road reconstruction project.
Survey and Planning Grant
Members decided not to pursue the MHC Survey and Planning Grant.  The minimum grant award of $10,000 ($5,000 of which must be matched) is greater than what would be needed for the inventory of Everettville.
Meetinghouse Cemetery Conservation Project
Alex reported that 15 gravestones were addressed during the inmate work session on Sept 25th and 26th.   TaMara’s contract for repairs for this year is still open and she will likely continue work into the spring since adhesive repairs require warm temperatures.  
After this year’s $1,000 contract with TaMara, there is $1,100 remaining in the Meetinghouse Cemetery Restoration account.  Alex suggested pursuing another resident workshop next year instead of the inmate work session.  Members agreed this would help raise resident awareness and will foster support of a future town meeting article for the cemetery.  Joyce suggested considering the PHC budget for cemetery work, once Anne Forbes is paid in full.  
Alex and Sheila met with the Cemetery Commission on October 15th to report on the inmate work session and to discuss fragment cataloging, Bagg’s gravestones and follow-up on possible grants for vault restoration.  
  • Alex reported that DCR has discontinued its cemetery grant program and that West Boylston’s cemetery project was funded not by a grant but by CPA funds.  The only other option at the state level would be a preservation grant from MHC which is highly competitive.  
  • Alex will revise system of cataloging fragments.  This will make the findings more broadly available and will minimize storage needs.  (Only fragments with marking are worthy of reclaiming and therefore only these require accessible storage.)  The possibility of a dry well for storage of unmarked fragments was revisited.
  • TaMara was not comfortable with the idea of setting the Bagg’s gravestones in Woodlawn Cemetery behind their new stones as originally considered.  Bruce Rollins suggested that the Historical Society display them and Sheila suggested displaying at Bagg Hall.  Lou Trostel will consult with Historical Society.  
Next Meeting: December 6th, 7 PM in the Annex
Respectfully submitted, Alex Fiandaca