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Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
April 24, 2012
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

Attendees: Sheila Dubman, Alex Fiandaca, Joe Lee, Matt Lindberg and Mickey Splaine.

Members approved minutes from March 27, 2012.

Bullard Road
Sheila was recently contacted by the new owner of 63 Bullard Road who was refused home insurance base on the presence of the Historical Commission’s plaque.  Sheila composed a letter to the insurance company explaining that the plaque is purely honorary and that only a local historic district, of which Princeton has none, would have any bearing on home alterations.  The owner also indicated his interest in future guidance on historically appropriate alterations, such as windows.

Four Corners
Sheila is still awaiting a bill from Anne Forbes for $1500 for partial payment of the Four Corners nomination which must be paid by June 30th.  Sheila will follow-up with Anne.

Redemption Rock Historic Marker
Mickey will continue trying to reach the shop teacher at Worcester Technical High School who is overseeing the restoration of the Worcester’s Wigwam Hill Tercentenary marker.

Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission
Alex suggested the Commission consider a project using information from Blake, cemetery records, house card file, town records, etc. to commemorate Princeton’s Civil War Veterans.  The format could be anything from a booklet to a one-page mailing.  The Civil War anniversary spans 2011-2015.

East Princeton Village District
Alex attended the recent Planning Board meeting in which the board reviewed feedback/findings from the East Princeton Village District form held on February 15th.    The board will consider pursuing possible mixed-use zoning for the existing business zone and design standards for new commercial buildings.  There was also discussion about possible design guidelines for homes in the residentially-zoned areas of the Village.

Meetinghouse Cemetery Conservation Project
Alex has been in touch with Ta Mara Conde about prioritizing gravestones for this year’s contract.  Several of the stones are small and could be addressed by Commission members.  Alex suggested a small, informal work session later in the summer and will touch base with members regarding potential dates.  Sheila will contact John Lebeaux about the possibility of having another inmate work session at the cemetery this fall.

Mechanics Hall
Members acknowledged Mechanics Hall as the town’s only historical asset that is threatened and reiterated their support of the newly formed Friends of Mechanics Hall.

Town Hall Vault
Sheila has talked with Lynne about the Commission interest in visiting the town vault and cataloging anything of potential historical significance.  Members will meet at the Town Hall at from 5 to 7 PM on May 22 to document items in the vault.  Members will also plan to visit the second floor of Bagg Hall for any unclaimed items of possible historical value.

Next Meeting:
Tuesday, May 22nd , 5 PM at Town Hall

Respectfully submitted,
Alex Fiandaca