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Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
April 14, 2011
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

Attendees: Joyce Anderson, Sheila Dubman, Joe Lee and Alex Fiandaca

Meeting House Cemetery

Alex reported that Ta Mara is willing to hold a special workshop for inmates to allow us to take advantage of Sheriff Evangelidis’ offer of labor through the Community Service Program. Ta Mara suggested a two day workshop held during the week with the same group of participants for both days.  Sheila will follow-up on the Sheriff’s offer with a tentative plan reflecting Ta Mara’s suggestions.
Alex will email Bill McNary, Cemetery Commission Chair, to alert him to the Meetinghouse article on the town warrant and to let his Commission know that we are considering an inmate workshop.
Wachusett Mountain National Register District Nomination

Joyce, Sheila, Joe O’Brien, David Crowley, Betsy Hanula (Westminster Historical Commission), Brona Simon (MHC) and Rick Boray (MEPA) met on March 31 to address David’s concerns about the proposed National Register listing of Wachusett Mountain.  David expressed concern over what he perceived to be another layer of bureaucracy, particularly in terms of project review involving property just outside of the National Register District boundary.  David was assured that there would be no additional review required and was told that future projects in the area would be more expeditiously reviewed due to the information already gained through the nomination process.  David’s attorney requested a memo to that effect, from DCR and MHC.  The letter arrived too late for the issue to be discussed at the Selectboard meeting on April 11th and the Commission was cancelled from the agenda.  Since then David has voiced additional concerns at it is unclear at this time if the nomination will proceed.  Joyce is pursuing an additional meeting with Joe and David in an effort to resolve these concerns prior to April 25th, Joe’s last Selectboard meeting.  

Joyce reviewed the funding sources for the nomination:
$500 Princeton Historical Commission
$500 town of Princeton
$1000 private donation
$2000 Westminster Historical Commission
$6000 loaned by the town of Princeton, which constitutes the “60” portion of the 60/40 matching grant, to be reimbursed by DCR.

House File

Joyce contacted the Mass Historic listserve regarding the issue of posting the house file on the web.  Joyce received numerous responses from people who had posted similar databases in their own towns and fully supported the idea.  Joyce shared these responses with both the Commission and the Princeton Historical Society.  At the PHS’s last meeting it was decided to post the house card file as is, including current owner

Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
February 17, 2011
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM
Page 2

information.  Bud Brooks will reformat the file (as a pdf file) to clear up the resolution and he will post two streets at a time on the PHS website.  Once the Commission’s website is fully constructed the house file will be available there as well.

Alex shared some research of Westminster properties that seemed to represent the broadest possible boundary of Everettville.  The deeds to these properties made no reference to Everettville, but some made reference to Everett land.  Also, a former village know as the Narrows was revealed within a mile and a half of (Princeton’s) Everettville.  This most likely eliminates Narrows Road, Stone Hill Road, No Town Road and the northern half of East Road from Westminster potential Everettville boundary.  Alex will focus further on deeds mentioning the Everett family’s property and will compile that information for Anne.  Alex will also take photographs of the houses.

Boylston Manor

Joyce reported that Boylston Manor and its neighbor, the manor’s former farmhouse (73 and 83 Worcester Road, respectively), may be eligible for National Register listing.  


Next Meeting:
Thursday, May 19, 2011, 7 PM, Town Hall Annex

Respectfully submitted,

Alex Fiandaca