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Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
February 17, 2011
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

Attendees: Joyce Anderson, Sheila Dubman, Joe Lee and Alex Fiandaca

PHC Budget/Meeting House Cemetery

On February 14 Sheila approached the select board with a request for a PHC budget increase of $500, primarily to support the Meeting House Cemetery restoration project.  The selectmen were very supportive of the restoration efforts and suggested the PHC seek funding for the project via a town warrant.  John Lebeaux suggested general language with regard to the amount requested.  Sheila presented the following wording for the warrant:

“To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds a sum of money to continue the ongoing restoration of Meeting House Cemetery and historic gravestones threatened with erosion.”

This project was approved by Town Meeting in 2007.  To date, 45 gravestones have been addressed and 70 more need work, much of it urgent.  The Princeton Historical Commission will continue to solicit and employ volunteer efforts and will use this appropriation to help see this important task to completion.

Members voted unanimously to accept the wording.  Sheila will forward to John Lebeaux.

Members briefly discussed a letter from Sheriff Evangelidis offering free labor to the Commission under the Community Service Program. Alex will present the offer to
Ta Mara.

Wachusett Mountain Nomination

Joyce has continued efforts to arrange a meeting between MHC, DCR, David Crowley of Wachusett Mountain Associates and Joe O’Brien to address concerns about the proposed National Register listing of Wachusett Mountain.  Joyce noted that one of David’s concerns is the level of review that would be required for placing a cell tower on property that abuts a National Register District.  Sheila pointed out that review of a cell tower requires local Historic Commission input regardless of National Register proximity. A meeting date was set a week and a half ago and DCR has been unresponsive.  Joe (Lee) offered to join Joyce and Sheila at the meeting once confirmed.

DVD Gift

Sheila received a DVD from a gentleman in Shrewsbury containing a collection of old photographs of Route 2, The Mohawk Trail.  Sheila and Joyce created electronic copies of the DVD and will offer the photographs to the Princeton Historical Society for their collection.  Sheila will send a thank you note.

133 Beaman Road House Plaque

Sheila received an inquiry from the home owner regarding payment for their plaque.  Alex indicated that once the history is complete it will be mailed to the owner and payment will be requested at that time.  Alex shared the convoluted findings regarding the house’s origin; the remaining research is nearly complete.

House Card File

Nancy Orlando has reviewed a portion of the electronic house card file and expressed concerns to Joyce about posting it on the PHS website without a thorough review of its contents.  Joyce noted that this is not possible without willing, knowledgeable reviewers.  Rather than dismiss the idea of posting the house card file altogether, Bud Brooks offered to feature one street from the house card file at a time.  This would give viewers some exposure to the house card file while maintaining flexibility for ongoing review.

Stone Walls

Sheila recapped the Commission’s discussion last month with Edie Morgan regarding possible restoration of the stone walls on Thompson Road.  Any action depends on a determination of ownership which Edie will pursue.

Entering Princeton

Joyce has been in contact with Mickey Splaine regarding the inconsistency of both dates and wording on the Princeton road signs.  Joyce suggested the wording “Established 1759” and Mickey will look into having the signs corrected accordingly.

Town Common Guidelines

Sheila revisited the concept of the Town Common Guidelines Committee and the Commission’s role in advocating for the formation of that Committee.  Members agreed to wait on this issue while the Wachusett Mountain nomination is still under such scrutiny.

Web Page

Lynne Grettum has been in touch with Sheila regarding the PHC website.  Lynne has requested assistance from Virtual Town Hall for creating the home page and will construct additional portions (such as links to other websites) separately.  Sheila will assist Lynne as needed.

Preservation Restriction Incentives

Sheila shared some information from the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions regarding economic incentives for property owners.  This and other preservation ideas are featured in the latest issue of The Alliance Review (

Next Meeting:
Thursday, March 24, 2011, 7 PM, Town Hall Annex

Respectfully submitted,

Alex Fiandaca