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Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
June 24, 2010

Attendees: Sheila Dubman, Alex Fiandaca, Joe Lee and Matt Lindberg

New Member

Members welcomed new Commission member Matt Lindberg!

New Chairperson

Sheila relayed Joyce's wish to step down as Chairperson as expressed at the end of the May 6th PHC meeting, during which Sheila offered to serve as Chair for one year.  Members voted to appoint Sheila as the Commission's new Chair and Alex as Vice Chair.

Commission Goals

Members discussed the Commission's current goals:

Four Corners National Register Nomination - Inventory has been completed and an historical writer has been selected.  Funding for the writer will come from the Historical Commission and possibly the Four Corners Preservation Society.

Wachusett Mountain National Register Nomination - Submitted to Mass Historical Commission in 2009 and the PHC is awaiting their response.

Fund Raising Event - Possible wine and beer tasting at Sonoma or other local venue, possible artist auction as well.  

Inventory of Everettville - Sheila's research has shown that the history of the area known as Everettville dates back much farther than what is commonly known and that the village may be the oldest in Princeton.  In addition to deed searches, efforts toward inventoring this area must focus on determining the actual boundaries of Everettville, which may include properties in Westminster.

Meetinghouse Cemetery Conservation Project - Alex has been in touch with Ta Mara regarding a new contract for this year's round of repairs.  Alex is also awaiting feedback from the Cemetery Commission to see if they are interested in a joint meeting to touch base regarding conservation progress and to discuss Ta Mara's idea of running workshops in the cemetery with Wachusett Community College students.

Demolition Delay - Members discussed the importance of developing a strong public awareness effort prior to bringing a bylaw before the town.  Members also noted two distinct categories of demolition situations: owners who decide they can no longer maintain their house (or other structure) and prospective owners looking to purchase land and demolish the existing house.  

West Village

Members considered the option of having an informal dedication of the West Village plaque without necessarily including local dignitaries, but still providing an opportunity for neighbors to gather.  
The general site for the plaque was determined last year and approval was obtained by the abutting property owners (the Perry family) however the exact location still needs to be determined.  Joe offered to coordinate the installation of the plaque with PMLD who have the necessary equipment for digging the hole for the pole and Glenn of the Highway Dept., who will oversee the actual installation.

Next Meeting
July 15th, 6 PM, town hall annex.

Respectfully submitted,
Alex Fiandaca