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Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
March 2, 2010

Attendees: Joyce Anderson, Sheila Dubman, Alex Fiandaca and Joe Lee

Two pending demolitions in town were discussed; 145 Houghton Road and the barn at 11 Gregory Hill Road.  Joyce already has a photograph of the Houghton Road house and Joe has contacted Bill Gagnier for permission to photograph his barn.  Bill indicated to Joe that there are some boards with writing that may be of historical value.

The former schoolhouse at 96 Ball Hill Road was also discussed.  Joe relayed the poor condition of the house and the abandoned reconstruction attempts of 2008.  Additionally, doors had been left open which exposed the interior to the winter elements.  John Wilson has indicated that the structure is not salvageable.  The owners have applied for a demolition permit.   

Tentative date for Demolition Delay Bylaw informational meeting was set for April 7th. (Note: this meeting was held on April 14th)

Joyce and Sheila are continuing work on the website.  Sheila explained that web pages have been created in word which will be put into HTML by Lynne.  Lynne is also including meeting minutes as they are submitted.  In the future Lynne would also like to include meeting agendas on the website.

After payment to Sewah Studios for the West Village plaque, PHC has a total of  $3,287.77 remaining.
Joyce reported that our budget for 2010 will probably not be cut and will remain at $1,500, giving us a grand total of $4,787.

House Plaques
Members decided against providing a plaque to Yvonne Pitzi free of charge as considered at our last meeting.  Joyce relayed her review of the email correspondence with Yvonne and members determined that the costs of Harvey's research and the plaque itself had been presented clearly.  

Harvey completed research on the Stimsons' house on 331 Mirick Road in December of last year but the owners have not yet ordered their plaque.  Both the name and date of this house is difficult to pinpoint because it appears that the house had been rebuilt on more than one occasion by more than one owner.  The complexity of this information could be the reason for the Stimsons' delay.  Joyce will email the house research to members for their feedback and/or suggestions for wording.

Harvey Schmidt is scheduled to talk about house research at a Princeton Historical Society lecture this Fall.  (Correction as of PHC meeting on May 6th:  Harvey is not scheduled for this fall. The PHS will present Fred Mason's work instead.)

Phil O'Brien has requested a house plaque.  Alex began researching his home last year and will complete that work and compile a report.  (Clarification as of PHC meeting on May 6th:  Phil has not actually requested a plaque.)

Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
March 2, 2010
(page 2)

National Register
Joyce explained that our next logical step in terms of National Register work is to focus on completing the nomination process for Four Corners before initiating an inventory for Everettville. The possible reconstruction of Route 140 has elevated concern for Everettville.  Although it does not have National Register status at this point, highway planners have been made aware of Everettville's historic value and have been regarding it as a historic resource in Route 140 discussion.

Joyce has been in contact with Neil Sulmasy regarding the pursuit of National Register listing for the Four Corners.  The Four Corners treasury has $500 which Neil indicated may be put toward the cost of writing the listing, and residents may also be willing to make donations.  Ann Forbes previously indicated a fee of $4,000 for the writing.  Members discussed putting $3,000 of PHC funds toward the writing, with the hope that $1,000 could be raised by the Four Corners residents. (Clarification as on PHC meeting on May 6th: members had also discussed paying entire fee of $4,000 if need be.)
Neil has requested information for homeowners about what the listing means and Joyce will send him some MHC brochures.  Joyce will also let Anne know we are interested in getting started.

Members discussed fund raising ideas and were most in favor of Joyce's idea of a wine/specialty beer tasting with auction of local artists' work, preferably in the Fall.  Joyce will contact Bill Brady about holding the event at Sonoma.

Town Common Plan
John Lebeaux indicated to Joyce that the selectmen are planning to address the Common in the near future and that no changes will occur until they do so.

Respectfully submitted,
Alex Fiandaca