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Facilities Steering Committee Phase II Minutes 09/17/2018
Facilities Steering Committee, Phase II
Town of Princeton, MA
meeting minutes for 9/17/18
7pm at town hall annex

Attending for the committee: Richard Chase, Noelani Chase, Rick McCowen, Dennis Moore, Larry Todd
For the fire department: chief John Bennett

The meeting was opened at 7:00 pm.

The minutes of 9/11/18 were approved after discussion and several additions.

John said he drove through Brookline, NH recently and they have a public safety building similar to what we envision. He will try to get information about it. There was general discussion of other public safety buildings we might research.

John handed out a floor plan for public safety; the site was discussed as it is tight. John later showed us some drawings on his laptop, including one with space for police vehicles under the building and a second floor for additional police and fire needs.

The committee spoke about the several lists of questions; how do we use them and which do we use ? There is some overlap between the lists.

Richard said the bill containing Princeton’s $9 million grant request for public safety has been signed by the governor. He will meet later in the week with Deb Cary to get more information. This will be a posted meeting because several members of the committee may attend. If the town does get this grant we can still apply for another for Bagg Hall.

There was discussion of other options regarding public safety and the cost to renovate the center school building. We we unsure who makes the final decision but the committee agreed we should make a recommendation to the selectboard.

After further discussion, Dennis made a motion that our committee recommend the center school building be taken down in its entirety. The committee recommends plans for a new building do not incorporate any of the existing building. This motion was not seconded and was tabled until our meeting on 9/24/18. We will invite the building inspector and Tim Kelly from the fire department to our next meeting to provide current information about the building.

John said he will ask the police chief to meet with us at a time convenient for her and the committee.

The committee can put a printed piece in with an electric bill for mailing. The committee agreed we need to start getting information out to the voters. We need to create this mailing piece.
We will check on the next mailing date and the deadline to submit material.

Discussion of questions:

Can we reference the previous FAQ’s? Larry will send a copy to the committee members.

Rick will work on compiling the questions into one list. John notes that his responses to some questions included references to specific code requirements for public safety.

John will continue to try and get information from other communities regarding their public safety buildings.

Larry will check with Lynne on the posting of our minutes to the existing facilities steering committee page on the town website.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 pm

The next scheduled meeting is on 9/24/18, 7pm at the town hall annex.

Submitted by Larry Todd, clerk