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Facilities Steering Committee Minutes 02/20/2018
Facilities Steering Committee
Meeting minutes for 2/20/18
7:00 pm at town hall annex

Attending for the committee: Chris Conway, Karen Cruise, Steve Mirick, Larry Todd, Mary Jo Wojtusik

Attending for the town: BOS, Edith Morgan, advisory committee member Judy Dino
They left after 30 minutes to attend the BOB meeting.                   

Karen opened the meeting at 7:03 pm

The minutes of the 2/6/18 meeting were approved.

JWA submitted an invoice for $25K. We approved payment if we have only paid $50K to date.

JWA provided a revised slide presentation. It now includes the Princeton Center option of retaining the four classroom section of the building and adding on for police and fire.

They also provided a breakdown of the phasing for whichever option is presented.

There is still confusion over the add/reno at the Princeton Center site as the estimated cost in the revised slides shows a different cost that the draft of the final report.

Steve has read the draft report and commented it is very well done and far better that the HKT report. The committee will take the week to review the draft report, which most of us have not yet read, and we will send any comments to the members of the committee.

We discussed next week’s meeting; committee meeting at 6pm and public presentation at 7pm. Karen and Mary Jo will jointly lead the presentation.

Town meeting: we need to prepare a handout. We will only have 10 minutes to present so we need to use the time to highlight the JWA report and recommendations. We need to give a clear vision of what we want to accomplish.

Bill Holder reviewed some of the numbers and commented we need to do what we can afford.

Steve pointed out that public safety buildings have to meet many requirements and are therefore expensive.

Karen referred to her notes on the meeting with the town moderator, Harry Pape. We need to decide how to set up the articles. After much discussion the committee agreed we should present two articles; one to stabilize Bagg Hall, the annex and the present public safety building, the second article to fund a design for a new public safety building. Karen will draft the two articles and bring to our next meeting.

At this point we are not sure of the position of the advisory board; Karen invited them to our meeting on 3/6. The board of selectmen were also invited to attend on 3/6.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 pm

Submitted by Larry Todd, secretary