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Facilities Steering Committee Minutes 1/30/18
Facilities Steering Committee
Meeting minutes for 1/30/18
5:30 pm at town hall annex

Attending for the committee: Chris Conway, Karen Cruise, Steve Mirick, Larry Todd,
Mary Jo Wojtusik

Attending for the town: board of selectmen member  Edith Morgan, advisory committee member Judy Dino

Jones Whitsetts architects represented by Kristian Whitsett and Helen Fantini                   

Karen opened the meeting at 5:30 pm

The minutes of the 1/23/18 meeting were approved.

A question was asked about grants and Kristian said they had worked with the town of Whately on a Massachusetts Preservation Projects grant, but the town did much of the work. Larry did not attend the grant workshop last week but plans to attend one next week. We were reminded there is a preservation restriction on Bagg Hall and the Mass Historic Commission will have oversight on work on the building.

The main purpose of the meeting was to have Jones Whitsett go through their proposed presentation for Saturday, slide by slide, and get feedback from the committee.

JWA presented pros and cons for each building and then addressed phasing options.

There were a number of suggestions made regarding specific points which will be incorporated into the finished presentation.

The committee suggested questions be held on Saturday until the presentation was completed.
We will a sign-up sheet for those attending. Karen is coordinating food and coffee.

We discussed the need for a report of the FSC to present at town meeting. It was noted that we could write up articles for the town meeting agenda even if we decide to withdraw them later. There was further discussion in this vein but no decisions were made.

We will decide on a date for the next public presentation at our meeting on February 6.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm

Submitted by Larry Todd, secretary