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Facilities Steering Committee Minutes 09/12/2017
Facilities Steering Committee
Meeting minutes for 9/12/17
7pm at town hall annex

Attending for the committee: Karen Cruise, Chris Conway,  Steve Mirick, Larry Todd

Mary Jo Wojtusik absent

Also attending for the town:    Edith Morgan BOS, John Rowell, Bill Lawton
Karen opened the meeting at 7:07pm.

The minutes of the 9/5 meeting were approved.

There was a question e-mailed to Nina asking if a firm would still be allowed to submit a proposal if they did not attend the mandatory walk through meeting. The answer is no. Another question asked if the proposals should be submitted in one envelope or nine. One envelope is fine. Also a question if we were using MBE/WBE criteria for this proposal. Also no. Nina will respond to all.

There was discussion regarding who makes the contract award to the consultant ? Referring to the charge of the committee, we will make our recommendation to the BOS.

We discussed the review of proposals and the interview process for the finalists; we agreed there will be no questions from the public in attendance. Any questions may be e-mailed to Nina.

John checked with the attorney general’s office and they advised the committee may not go into executive session for any part of the interview process.

The deadline for proposals is the day before our next meeting. We will wait and see how many firms submit and then decide on the best approach to the review, however, we will probably use our meeting to review one or two of the proposals to acquaint the committee with the use of the matrix and see how well the process works.

Further review of the subjective questions. Before the questions are asked each finalist will be asked to make a presentation and that may answer some of our questions. Steve will revise the format of the questions to include a numeric scale and prepare a draft.

We agreed that John and Bill should also be part of the review process. We would like to do the final interviews with one week; to be discussed at our next meeting.

The meeting was opened at 8:22 to public comment and questions.

The opinion was expressed that the space being leased at post office place seems to be functioning well; perhaps the town should consider the purchase of this property if it becomes available. The committee agreed that the study being commissioned will be open in its consideration of various options to meet town needs.

There were some comments regarding our interview process and the use of our matrix.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 pm.

Chris will be out of town from 10/4 to 10/9.

Submitted by Larry Todd, secretary