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Facilities Steering Committee Minutes 08/29/17
Facilities Steering Committee
Meeting minutes for 8/29/17
7pm at town hall annex

Attending for the committee: Chris Conway,  Steve Mirick, Larry Todd, Mary Jo Wojtusik (came late)

Also attending for the town:    Edith Morgan, board of selectmen
                                     Nina Nazarian, town administrator
                                     Bill Lawton

Larry opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

The minutes of the 8/22 meeting were approved.

Brief discussion of our response to the question regarding smaller firms and accepting proposals from them. The group felt we should be creative in our thinking and give consideration to firms not strictly meeting the criteria in the RFQ.

Beth Mellor elaborated on her e-mail of 8/22 regarding possible alternative use of the Princeton Center Building. Steve Mirick related a situation of a developer using an older building for conversion to apartments. It is a very expensive proposition and there must be sufficient income to be of interest. Probably not the case with the Center Building. There was a general feeling that the central location of the land and building is good for some town use.

There was further review of the expanded list of subjective questions. We decided to eliminate question 13 and save question 14 for a later review. There were several other revisions and Steve offered to send a new list to everyone.

The committee asked who is making the final selection of the consultant, the committee or the board of selectmen ? We will review our charge. Perhaps the final selection meeting will be a joint meeting with the BOS.

Brief discussion of agenda items for the next meeting on 9/5.

The meeting was opened for public questions at 8:42. There was one comment regarding sticking to basic needs for the town and not pursuing luxuries.

This will be the final meeting Nina can attend at our 7pm time.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:47.

Submitted by Larry Todd, secretary