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Facilities Steering Committee Phase II Agenda 01/16/2018
DATE: January 16th, 2019
LOCATION: Annex Large Conf Rm
REQUESTED BY: ~Richard Chase, Chair
“The listings of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours before said meeting, which may be discussed at the meeting.~ Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.”

  • Review and approval on minutes of 1/9/19 meeting
  • Review JWA response to FSC letter of 12/21. Key points:
  • JWA is willing to provide services to assist with professional review, elevations, floor plans and cost modeling and preparation of materials for May Town mtg.
  • JWA has reduced the proposed fee for services from $25K to under $20K.
  • FSC to approve revised proposal and submit to Town Administrator.
  • Request to Town Administrator and Select Board to approve and fund this proposal
  • Review and approve next round of question and answers, letter from Chief Bennet and summary of project costs from comparable recent projects
Review EAC recommendations document
  • Discussion on possible opportunity for private construction and financing
  • Review summary of information to provide citizens an estimate of tax impact of this project within the context of the whole Town Debt and budget responsibilities as provided by the Select Board and Advisory Committee.
  • Opportunity for new committee member, Volunteer Fair 2/2 1-3 pm @ UCC
  • Opportunity for public questions and input
Action items:
  • The Select Board has chosen to retain the responsibility to determine the process and requirements for securing the release of money from the State Bond Bill approved June 2018.
  • Selectboard & Advisory Committee, what is being done to minimize spending across the board to minimize the tax rate impact of the new Public Safety Building?
  • NN & SB to do title search for PC site. In progress, scheduled for completion in mid-Feb.
  • SM Please clarify the source for the requirements for 3 holding cells, not just one. Can you point us to the documentation of this requirement?
  • RM, to compile lists of questions and answers. To be reviewed at regular meetings and then posted, ongoing
  • Townsend’s visit to see new buildings, cancelled due to scheduling, will work to reschedule  
Other background information:
  • The Plan; is for at the May Town meeting is to ask for approval for the $tbd funds to do design only for an all new “Minimum Building” which will meet the needs and requirements for the Public Safety Building with a target full project construction cost of $4.5M. An additional cost option would be to include a portion of the original Princeton Center building. The funding for construction would be either through the already approved, but not released State Bond bill funds or a vote to borrow money approved by the citizens of Princeton.
  • Bill Holder, to maintain Town debt to less than 7% of Town Budget would constrain total borrowing to $4M-6M over the next 3 years for all purposes including a public safety complex.
  • Steve Mirick, recommendations:
  • Use pre-engineered steel or wood construction, or panelized construction to give the lowest construction cost building.
  • Use radiant heat system driven by multiple small boilers for facility to provide efficient, reliable heating.
  • The EAC members have attended the 1/9/19 meeting and provided recommendations. Many of the potentially beneficial grant and consultant opportunities require the Town to be either a “Green Community” or in process of securing that designation. The Town is eligible and the EAC is doing the ground work to begin the process of securing this designation.
  • Selectboard & Advisory Committee, has provided financial context for this project with all the other projects and expenses going forward. The Town is in the beginning stage of developing a long term “Capital Plan” which will influence the debt and hence tax rates.
  • NN, The Town does not have anyone currently on staff who would be qualified to be an Owners Project Manager. We would most likely need to hire such a person after a Town Meeting, they would manage the plans and bidding as well as the construction project management.
  • NN, Design/build in the public construction space is called CM At-Risk.
  • Jan 16th, 2019                  Regular Meeting~        7:00 PM~        Large Conf Rm
  • Jan 23rd , 2019                 Regular Meeting~        7:00 PM~        Small Conf Rm
  • Jan 30th, 2019                  Regular Meeting~        7:00 PM~        Large Conf Rm

RC      Richard Chase
NC      Noelani Chase
RM      Rick McCowan
NN      Nina Nazarian
MP      Michele Powers
JB      John Bennett
TK      Tim Kelly
SM      Steve Mirick

KC      Karen Cruise
TO      Takako Oji
        EC      Ed Cichon
