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Facilities Steering Committee Phase II Agenda 12/10/18
DATE: December 10th, 2018
LOCATION: Princeton Town Hall Annex-large room
REQUESTED BY: ~Richard Chase, Chair
“The listings of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours before said meeting, which may be discussed at the meeting.~ Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.”

  • Review and approval on minutes of 12/3
  • Is there interest in accepting Townsend’s Chief’s invitation to visit and see new buildings?
  • Discussion with Chris Conway and Steve Mirick about their insight on proposed options.
  • Review and approve next round of citizen question and answers, #8
  • Opportunity for public questions and input.
Action items:
  • RM & NC, to compile lists of questions and answers. To be reviewed at regular meetings and then posted, ongoing
  • RC to contact NN about inviting Chris Conway and Steve Mirick to share their insight on options.
  • Pending JWA proposal for add on for the JWA contract for cost analysis of the refined minimum building and options.
Additional discussion points:
  • What, specifically, are you looking for from Townsend regarding West Station  ?
  • Plans (Electronic version would be helpful)
  • Cost with detail at medium level
  • When constructed?
  • How has the building met Town’s needs now and the foreseeable future?
  • Experience with building, issues and how will it handle growth?
  • Lessons learned
  • Dec 17th                        Regular Meeting~        7:00 PM~        Annex (Large Rm)
  • Jan 7th, 2019                   Regular Meeting~        7:00 PM~        Annex (Large Rm)

RC      Richard Chase
NC      Noelani Chase
RM      Rick McCowan
NN      Nina Nazarian
MP      Michele Powers
JB      John Bennett
TK      Tim Kelly
KC      Karen Cruise
TO      Takako Oji
        EC      Ed Cichon
Other background information:
  • Draft plan to meet revised charge;
  • Talk with JWA to better understand the conceptual proposals and the NFPA and Police standards and other information which drive the conceptual proposals and costs.
  • Review JWA proposals A & B using the above standards and information.
  • Refine options to limited number, All new “required minimum building”, Fire and EMS only, Fire, EMS & Police.
  • Option 2 additional construction requirements & costs for incorporating orig façade
  • Option 3 additional construction requirements & costs for incorporating original classrooms of PC bld.
  • From review, develop the above conceptual designs with input from citizens, format tbd.
  • Work with Selectboard to secure small amount of funding ($10-25K) for the professional review, elevations, floor plans and cost modeling.
  • Prepare for Town Meeting/ Vote to select option and approve funding for construction documents for the selected design only. Not for building construction.
  • Pursue state bond bill money once full construction documents are completed.

Key points from previous meetings:
  • Bill Holder, to maintain Town debt to less than 7% of Town Budget would constrain total borrowing to $4M-6M over the next 3 years for all purposes including a public safety complex.