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Facilities Steering Committee Phase II Agenda 10/15/18
BOARD/COMMITTEE: Facilities Steering Committee phase 2

DATE: October 15st, 2018

TIME: 7:00 PM

LOCATION: Princeton Town Hall Annex
REQUESTED BY: Richard Chase, Chair
“The listings of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the Chair 48 hours before said meeting, which may be discussed at the meeting.~ Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.”


  • Review and approval on minutes of 10/01 meeting.
  • Con-call with Brendan Rhodes, collaborator with Tokota Oij architects
  • Help to define next engineering steps and obtaining a rough cost estimate (this will help craft a proposed warrant article)
  • What opportunities are there for lowering the overall cost to construct?
  • Review and approve next round of question and answers
  • Interview Bill Holder - what are limits and risks to assuming additional town debt
  • Discuss and approve revised charge for submission to SelectBoard for approval.
  • Review information from Chief Bennet on Townsend facility and his proposed modifications to the JWA plan and other facilities he has knowledge of that could help our understand of solutions developed and implemented by other towns.
  • Discuss and potentially appoint a liaison with Selectboard for the process of securing State Bond Bill funding for Public Safety Complex.
  • Opportunity for public questions and input.
Action items:
  • Tokoka Oji, Architect, currently building a house in town has volunteered to assist the Committee with research. We appreciate her interest and support.
  • RM & NC, to compile lists of questions and answers. To be reviewed at regular meetings and then posted
  • JB to collect info on Townsend and Brookline NH stations and lessons learned
  • RC can the Town use “Design / Build” contract in place of separate Arch & GC process?

Oct 22th                        Regular Meeting~        7:00 PM~        Annex (Large Rm)
Oct 29th                        Regular Meeting~        7:00 PM~        Annex (Large Rm)
Nov 5th                         Regular Meeting~        7:00 PM~        Annex (Small Rm)
Nov 13th                        Regular Meeting~        7:00 PM~        Annex (Large Rm)