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November 9, 2011
November 9, 2011

Attendees:  Andrea Caspari, Alex Fiandaca, Christian Gal and Karen Rossow.


Members briefly discussed the need for a new Chair as Alex’s final term expires June 2012. No decisions were made at this time.

New LCC Regulations

Members reviewed changes to the Local Cultural Council Program Regulations and Guidelines, specifically eligibility period, non-dependency, reconsideration process and the PASS program.

Grant Extension and Modification Requests

Two grant extensions and one program modification request were discussed.  The first was the Princeton Arts Society’s request to modify the Art/Studio Demos program (application number 2010-01).  The proposed program consists of a performance and question and answer session by Andrea’s Firefly Shadow Theatre.  The performance would take place before the end of the year but an extension is still necessary because the original grant was awarded for FY2010.  Members voted to approve the Princeton Art Society’s extension and program modification.  Andrea abstained from voting and the other members filled out the appropriate disclosure forms.

The second extension request was submitted by Katie Green for the Study Guide for Mary Rowlandson (application number 2011-10).  Members voted to approve the extension through the end of 2012.


Princeton's allocation from Massachusetts Cultural Council for FY12 is $3,870.  The recent cancellation of one grant (The Princeton Youth Arts Collaborative grant for theatre workshops) added an additional $400 and some remaining funds brings the budget total to $4330.

Grant Applications

Over $12,000 in grant requests were received, $9,737 of which was requested by Princeton residents.
All applications were discussed at length with the exception of one that was not available because it was sent to the wrong address.  Decisions will be finalized at a subsequent meeting in which members will also vote on the missing application.

Members filled out disclosure forms to capture Karen’s application for Hey Day (application number 2012-15) and Lora Brueck’s Art Book presentation (application number 2012-01) for which Karen is the contact person.  Additionally, Karen, Christian and Andrea disclosed their association with the Princeton Arts Society.

Respectfully submitted,
Alex Fiandaca