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October 17, 2017
Princeton Mass.  CONSERVATION COMMISSION --  MEETING MINUTES -- October 17, 2017

Attendance: Chairman Brian Keevan, Ron Thompson, Barbara Laughlin, John Vieira, Brett Trowbridge, and Rachael Catlow.  Absent was Susan Mitchell
Brian Keevan called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Votes taken in the following actions are ”all in favor” unless noted otherwise.
Public Hearings:
Item 1: Notice of intent for work on a single family addition at 72 Beaman Road for was submitted by Felicitas Fandreyer and Roland Meunier.  
Conservation Commission members attended site walks over the weekend (Brett Trowbridge and John Viera on October 14th and Brian Keevan, Ron Thompson, Barbara Laughlin, and Rachael Catlow on October 15th).  The DEP issued File Number #267-0399 on 10/17/17.  Brett Trowbridge stated that wetland vegetation was observed beyond the wetland line identified on the plans.  The owners presented various scenarios for the foundation work which would limit the impacts of the work in the buffer zone.  The owners will provide updated wetland delineation and finalize their building plan for the next meeting.
Item 2: Request for Certificate for Compliance for 296 Sterling Road – Oberhelman
A site visit was conducted on 9/13/17 with the owner’s rep and all Conservation Commissioners.  Motion was made and approved to lift the enforcement action for Jerry Oberhelman at 296 Oberhelman Road.  Certificate of Compliance was voted and approved Dep file #267-0281.
Item 3: Continued public hearing for Manero Realty Trust/Nabil Roufail filed a NOI for pavement work in the buffer zone at 23 Hubbardston Road in Princeton (Map 12A, Lot 30).  The property owner needs additional time to prepare materials.  The Commission noted the significant amount of trash present around the dumpster and down the hill heading towards the wetlands present at the site walk.  The other concern was the proximity of the trash to the public water supply well. The Conservation Commission will email the owner about removing the trash and will notify Princeton Board of Health.
Other Business
MACC Fall Conference on Saturday October 28th in Sturbridge.
MACC membership cards were distributed to the Commission members.
Approval of minutes from August 15th and September 19th 2017 with amendments.
Brett Trowbridge discussed the continued wetland mapping efforts on the Fieldstone property.  The proposed trails may have to be adjusted now that the resource areas have been defined.
The next PCC is scheduled for November 21, 2017
Meeting ended at 8:43 PM
Respectfully submitted, Rachael Catlow

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department