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August 15, 2017

MINUTES for MEETING on Aug. 15, 2017
Attendance: Chairman Brian Keevan, Susan Mitchell, Ron Thompson, Barbara Laughlin, and Rachel Catlow. Absent were John Vieira and Brett Trowbridge.

Brian Keevan called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.
Votes taken in the following actions are “all in favor” unless noted otherwise.
Site visits were conducted on August 11, 2017 by Princeton Conservation Commission members Brian Keevan, John Vieira, Rachel Catlow, Ronald Thompson, Susan Mitchell, and Barbara Laughlin.  
Public Meetings:
Item 1: Request for Determination filed by Gerry DeRoche from NEADS for 305 Redemption Rock Road So., Princeton, for construction of a garage in or near the buffer zone.  A site visit was conducted on August 11, 2017 by members of the Princeton Conservation Commission (the Commission).  A Site Plan dated 1998 was presented to the Commission showing Stillwater River Riverfront resource area.  This project is located in a Riverfront Resource Area and is subject to jurisdiction under the Wetlands Protection Act.  Also present within or near the proposed area of work is a Bordering Vegetation Wetland (BVW) and 100-year floodplain.  A Notice of Intent (NOI) will need to be filed with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP).   Because the Stillwater River feeds into the Wachusett Reservoir, this proposed project would be subject to the jurisdiction under the Watershed Protection Act and a permit application will need to be submitted to the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR).  Mr. DeRoche is encouraged to consult a wetlands consultant to assist in preparation of a NOI and supporting documentation.  The Commission voted to issue a Positive Determination #1 and #3 at 7:14 PM.
Item 2:  Request for Determination filed by Robert & Lynn Dalbeck for new construction of a house and septic system on a parcel fronting on Sterling Road identified at Map 12-Lot 37, Princeton.  Multiple site visits were conducted in 2016, early summer 2017 and on August 15, Brian Keevan and John Vieira did an informal site visit.  The wetland report was prepared by David Burke and Scott Peoples presented documentation at the meeting.  The proposed work is near the 100-foot buffer zone to a BVW.  There is a second buffer zone to an intermittent stream with a 100-foot tributary setback.  The isolated wetland square footage is too small and therefore is not jurisdictional.  Boundaries of the resource area buffer zones are accurately delineated.  The proposed work is outside a buffer zone subject to WPA jurisdiction; therefore, the Commission voted to issue a Negative #1 Determination  at 7:20 PM.
Item 3: Request for Determination filed by Felicitas Fandreyer for construction of a Presby system as a septic repair at 72 Beaman Road identified at Map 4-Lot 31, Princeton.  A site visit was conducted on August 11, 2017 by members of the Commission.  Documents were presented to the Commission showing the proposed area of work and include a Site Sketch of Proposed Work, H.E. M. Design Consultants, dated 8-11-2017.  A portion of the area of proposed work is within the 100-foot wetland buffer zone.  The Princeton Board of Health has voted and approved the proposed Presby system.   The Site Plan depicts hay bales to be utilized for erosion control, but the property owner requested to substitute Filter Mitt for erosion control.  Hand revisions were added to the Site Sketch to show additional lengths of Filter Mitt to be installed for excavation and trenching related to a septic tank and some piping that also are proposed within the 100-foot Wetlands buffer zone.   This revised Site Plan was submitted to the Commission.  The Commission voted to issue a Negative Determination #3 subject to the submittal of a revised erosion control locations at 7:39 PM.
Public Hearing
Item 1: A Notice of Intent was filed for dam repair on Snow Pond submitted by John Rowell, 31A Bullard Road.  A site visit was conducted on August 11, 2017 by members of the Commission.  Representatives Sarah Pierce and Allen Orsi from Pare Corporation presented documentation to the Commission.  Some vegetation removal is proposed on the upside and downside of the dam to perform inspections of the earthen dam to monitor for possible seepage areas.  Additional work of tree and debris removal is proposed from the toe of the slope and outwards of approximately 20 feet downstream of the dam to re-channel the two dam outlet streams and comply with dam safety requirements.  Previous dam inspections were conducted in 2006 and re-inspected in 2017.  Both inspections found the dam to be in fair condition with the caveat that vegetation was obscuring a full view of the dam.  Removal of woody debris and reshaping of the two outlet channels is proposed.  Both channels/streams are determined as Perennial, but the southern spillway/stream is mapped Perennial by the USGS.  The Commission encouraged the consultant of record to conduct a review of wetland species to be used for revegetation at the completion of work.  During the Site Visit, members of the Commission observed invasive plant species along the top of the dam.  The Commission encouraged that consideration be given to properly deal with the invasive plants during this proposed work.  Since the MassDEP has not yet issued a File Number, the Commission voted at 8:08 PM to continue this NOI to the next Conservation Commission meeting which is scheduled for September 19, 2017 at 7 PM.  
Other Business:
At 8:11 PM group commenced meeting with Bill Holder from the Princeton Road Advisory Committee regarding replacement of a failing culvert on Ball Hill Road that carries flow from South Wachusett Brook.  A grant application was submitted the Division of Ecological Restoration (DER).  A site visit occurred in July 2017.  Tim Chory from DER, Bill Holder, Brian Keevan and Glenn Lyons were in attendance at the July 2017 site visit.  Tim Chory encouraged that a Site Plan be drafted in accordance with Massachusetts stream crossing standards.  Design work is beginning for consideration for funding for 2018.  
Relating to a separate matter, Bill presented a plan showing the locations of 14 bridges and culverts located within Princeton.  The goal is to present a summary of the water flow conditions to the Board of Selectmen to give them an idea of the conditions of flow infrastructure within Princeton.  Most of these 14 locations are subject to the Massachusetts stream crossing standards.  Bill is reaching out to the Commission to determine the data that should be collected during the inventory and initial inspection of the bridges/culverts.  Also, Bill is looking to the Commission to provide help in contacting appropriate people to help with collecting the data or compiling and preparing maps.  Rachel Catlow of the Commission mentioned Community Compact as a possible avenue for completing the bridge/culvert inventory.  Community Compact is an initiative for communities to commit to completing projects and receive funding and allows for resource sharing between communities.  The Town of Princeton signed up with the Community Compact in 2016.  The proposed scope of work regarding the bridges/culverts may contribute towards Princeton’s Community Compact status.  A goal might be to merge the bridge/culvert inventory and assessment data with roads data and prioritize which bridges or culverts that require repairs and/or replacements.  Also integrating the bridge/culvert and road data will allow for proper design and build considerations of future projects.  Concluded conversation at 8:44 PM.  
In Other Business:
Commission mail was reviewed.  The Commission expects that two requests for Certificates of Compliance will be received.  
Greenman Peterson acknowledged receiving an Order of Conditions for the Route 140 project.
Mountainside Market paving issue requires a NOI to be submitted for a paving project that was completed back in Fall 2016.  The Commission has not yet submitted an enforcement action.  The property owner may now be considering removing the pavement.  The Commission is awaiting further communication from the property owner.
The Commission will reach out to the MassDEP regarding the possibility that culvert repairs/replacement occurred by the railroad near Hubbardston Road that was not authorized by the emergency certification.  The emergency certification expired prior to the completion of culvert work.
Service forestry regulations allow for property owners to complete forestry work so long as the property owner doesn’t have any approved building requirements in-hand.  A regulatory fix could possibly be a town-specific wetland or forestry bylaw that could provide additional protections of resource areas.  The Environmental Acton Committee might be a resource to aid in exploring this topic.  
The next PCC is scheduled for September 19, 2017.
Meeting Minutes for the July 18, 2017 were reviewed and accepted.  
Meeting ended at 9:03 PM.
Respectfully submitted,  Barbara Laughlin
Referenced Documents:  Three RFDs and one NOI as noted in minutes; plan from Bill Holder showing locations of 14 bridges and culverts located within Princeton.