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Oct. 16 2018
DATE: October 16, 2018            TIME: 7:00            LOCATION: Town Hall Annex
Attendance: Chairman Brian Keevan, John Vieira, Ron Thompson, Barbara Laughlin, Rachael Catlow, and Susan Mitchell
Brian Keevan called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Votes taken in the following actions are “all in favor” unless noted otherwise.
Public Hearings:
Item 1: A public hearing is still open for a NOI for the paving of Calamint Hill Road North (DEP# 267-0412).  The applicant requested a continuation; therefore, the public hearing will be continued until the November 20, 2018 meeting.
Item 2: A public hearing is still open for a NOI for a lot on Merriam Road at the corner of East Princeton Road (Map 8B, Lot 21) for Jennifer Greene for the construction of a single family residence (SFR) and associated septic and potable well (DEP #267-0414).  The applicant requested a continuation to complete wetland delineation and mapping; therefore, the public hearing will be continued until the November 20, 2018 meeting.
Item 3: A public hearing was reconvened at 7:01 for a NOI for lot 16BR on Hickory Drive between #18 and #30.  The applicant, Miguel Gonzalez, submitted a NOI for the construction of a single family home.  Miguel Gonzalez presented and James Whitman, an abutter and owner of parcel 16BR, attended the meeting.  The applicant requested a continuation to complete plan preparation with wetland flags and buffer zones shown.  
Public Meetings:
Item 1:  The property owner, Marsha Dowdy, at 247 East Princeton Road requested Certificate of Compliance (COC) following the completion of septic repairs (DEP #267-0396).  The applicant’s contractor performed slope regrading and the Commission will inspect at a future date.
Item 2:  A public meeting was opened at 7:21 PM to consider a Request for Certificate of Compliance for File #267-0397 for Snow Pond dam repairs.  Commissioners conducted site visits on October 13 and 14, 2018.  John Rowell, the property owner attended the meeting on October 13, 2018.  The Commission approved a Certificate of Compliance for the project with the requirement that the recommended maintenance be conducted as outlined in the NOI prepared by Pare Corporation, dated August 2017; or otherwise superseded by DCR Office of Dam Safety and Division of Public Watershed Supply.

Item 1:  The Commission discussed site work that was possibly performed within jurisdictional areas at 143 Calamint Hill Road North without a NOI.  Ben Whitaker, the property owner of Lot 2, presented information.  Site work included gravel removal, tree clearing, and vegetation disturbance.  The Commission conducted site walks on October 13 and 14, 2018.  Property (Lot 1) consisting of 4.77 acres is currently owned by Benny and the Jets LLC.  The Commission voted to issue an Enforcement Action to address the following: Submittal of a NOI, delineation of wetlands and associated resource areas, and plan preparation showing the disturbed areas, and whether or not wetland and/or wetland resource areas have been disturbed.  The Commission also requires restoration and stabilization of areas within the Commission’s jurisdiction.  
Item 2:  The Commission discussed site work with the property owner, Paulette Magaw, which was performed within jurisdictional areas without a NOI.  The Commission conducted site walks on October 13 and 14, 2018 and met with the property owner Paulette Magaw.  Site work included removal of an asphalt driveway and installing pavers, vegetation removal within a buffer zone and BVW, installation of fill within a buffer zone and possible BVW, and construction of shed within a buffer zone.  The Commission voted to issue an Enforcement Action to address the following:  Submittal of a NOI, delineation of wetlands and associated resource areas, and plan preparation showing the disturbed areas, and whether or not wetland and/or wetland resource areas have been disturbed.  
Item 3:  The Commission discussed erosion and runoff from 30 Mountain Road affecting Prospect Street homeowners.  Busy Bee Nursery in Holden is doing the site work and is currently trying to minimize erosion and runoff of the hillside.  At this time, the Commission does not think that there are jurisdictional areas on the property.
Commission Other Business, Mail, Procedures, etc.:
The August 21, 2018 meeting minutes will be reviewed and approved during the November 2018 meeting.
The September 18, 2018 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved with minor edits.
The next PCC meeting is scheduled for November 20, 2018.
Forest Cutting Plan:  None
Meeting Adjourned at 9:15PM.
Respectfully submitted, Barbara Laughlin