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July 17, 2018
TOWN OF PRINCETON, Massachusetts
DATE: July 17, 2018       TIME: 7:00            LOCATION: Town Hall Annex
Attendance: Chairman Brian Keevan, Ron Thompson, John Vieira, Barbara Laughlin, and Susan Mitchell
Brian Keevan called the meeting to order at 6:59 PM.
Votes taken in the following actions are “all in favor” unless noted otherwise.
Public Hearings:
Item 1:  A public meeting was opened at 6:59 PM for 155 Calamint Hill Road N property owned by Matt Kelly.  The applicant submitted a Request for Determination of Applicability (RDA) for replacement of an existing deck within 25 feet of a wetland.  John Vieira has recused himself from the meeting since he is employed at the same company as the applicant.  A site visit was conducted on July 9, 2018 with Commissioners Brian, Sue, Ron, Barbara.  The Commission issued a Negative Determination Category 3.  
Item 2: A public hearing was opened on a Notice of Intent for Princeton Land Trust (PLT) hiking trail clearing.  The NOI is proposed as a Limited Project.  Brian recused himself from the hearing because of his association with the PLT.   John Mirick presented information on the location and construction methods of the proposed trail.  The presentation also addressed maintenance the bog bridges.  Paul Fisk, an abutter, also attended the meeting to discuss the proposed work.  The Commission cannot issue an Order of Conditions for the NOI submittal because the MassDEP has not yet issued a File #.  This hearing will be continued until the August 21, 2018 meeting.
Item 1:  The Commission discussed authorized spending of tree removal work at the Town Pound.  The Historical Commission authorized contributing a portion of their remaining budget towards the removal of hazardous trees.  Alan Hawthorn or Princeton Tree Service provided estimates for different scopes of work for tree cutting and stacking on-site or tree cutting and removal via wood chipping.  The Commission approved $300 from FY2018 budget and $200 from FY2019 budget to spend on the $1,800 cost estimate to remove hazardous trees from the Town Pound.
Item 2:  The Commission reviewed signage proposals from the Stimson Family for land managed and operated as Charbrook Farm.  Brian will propose edits some of the proposed language.
Commission Other Business, Mail, Procedures, etc.:

Larry Green Jr. is having a site visit with MEPA on Monday, July 23, 2018 at 11AM to review the proposed paving of the southern portion of Calamint Hill Road North.  A representative of Commission will attend.
The Commission was updated on progress of the property owner of #42 Greene Road who has agreed to retain a wetland scientist to re-flag the wetlands and associated buffer zone prior to scheduling a site walk.   
The Commission received an email regarding a septic repair for #4 Beaman Road.  Brian responded to the email that the Commission wishes to review the scope of work under an RDA.  
Brian provided a brief update on the town-wide culvert assessment project.
The Commission approved the June 19, 2018 meeting minutes with minor changes and the June 27, 2018 meeting minutes with no edits.
The next PCC meeting is scheduled for August 21 2018.
Commission mail was reviewed.
Forest Cutting Plan:  None
Meeting Adjourned at 9:02PM.
Respectfully submitted, Barbara Laughlin