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May 22, 2018

DATE: May 22, 2018        TIME: 7:00            LOCATION: Town Hall Annex
Attendance: Chairman Brian Keevan, Ron Thompson, Barbara Laughlin, Rachael Catlow, and Susan Mitchell
Brian Keevan called the meeting to order at 6:59 PM.
Votes taken in the following actions are “all in favor” unless noted otherwise.
Public Hearings:
Item 1:  A public hearing was continued at 7:00 for a NOI filed post-facto for commercial pavement work in the BVW buffer zone at 23 Hubbardston Road in Princeton (Map 12A, Lot 30, Manero Realty Trust/Nabil Roufail) DEP File #267-0409.  Commission members attended a site visit on Sunday April 15, 2018 with the applicant’s engineer.   Both Mr. Nabil Roufail and his engineer were present for the hearing.  A rip-rap infiltration trench system was presented to the Commission.   The Commission requested a Stormwater Report and an Operation & Maintenance Plan for the infiltration trench.  The Commission requested that the property owner relocate the dumpster(s) and clothing donation bin to the eastern portion of the property.  The Commission will draft a letter to the Princeton Board of Health (BOH) regarding management of tenants’ trash that is accumulating around the dumpsters and within the wetland buffer zone.
Item 2: The public hearing was continued at 7:20 for a newly-created lot on Hickory Drive (Dep File# 267-0408) for the construction of a single family residence.  The project is located in a 200-foot buffer zone of a tributary and a 100-foot bordering vegetation wetland (BVW).  Doug Andrysick presented revised plans showing delineated wetlands on the southwest portion of the lot per the Commission’s request at the April 2018 meeting.  The Commission issued an Order of Conditions for this project at 7:33 PM.
Item 3:  A public hearing was continued at 7:36 for Lot 3A on Pine Hill Road (DEP File # 267-0405) was continued from the March 20, 2018 meeting.  The Commission conducted site walks on May 19 and 21, 2018.  The applicant presented revised Notices of Intent to reflect the replication of wetlands on Lot 3 related to wetland disturbance for the driveway crossing for Lot 4.  Special Condition #1 would be to confirm and rectify any discrepancy between wetland flagging on the property versus the Construction Plans.  The Commission issued an Order of Conditions for this project at 8:04 PM.
Item 4: A public hearing was continued at 7:36 for Lot 4 on Pine Hill Road (DEP File # 267-0406) was continued from the March 20, 2018 meeting.  The Commission issued an Order of Conditions for this project at 8:06 PM.  
Item 5: A public hearing was opened at 8:08 PM for a Notice of Intent filed for Mass Audubon, Wachusett Meadow, 113 Goodnow Road for construction of accessible facilities on and near the pond (DEP File# 267-0410).  Proposed work within Commission jurisdiction includes an ADA trail, patio floor replacement, and an anchored floating dock.  The Commission issued an Order of Conditions for this project at 8:30 PM.  
Item 6: A public meeting was opened at 8:59 PM for Charter Communications CATV for Town of Princeton on a Request for Determination of Applicability to bury conduit for fiber-optic on several streets and public right-of-ways.  Areas of interest include: Hickory Drive loop to Oak Circle, a portion of Jillian Drive and Country Lane.  The Commission issued a Negative Determination with Special Conditions at 9:50 PM.
Item 1:  A Request for a Certificate of Compliance from Karl Koch for a property located at 41 Schoolhouse Road.  A site visit was held on May 19, 2018 with Rachel Catlow, Brian Keevan, and Karl Koch.  A Certificate of Compliance was issued at 8:54 PM.
Item 2:  John Rowell requested a pre-construction meeting with the Commission for Snow Pond Dam.  The Chairman will contact John Rowell.  
Item 3:  The Chairman will contact Larry Green Jr regarding Route 140 (East Princeton F.D. to Fitchburg Road) project Cert. of Compliance.  
Commission Other Business, Mail, Procedures, etc.:
The Commission approved the April 17, 2018 meeting minutes with minor changes.
Charbrook Farm presented the Annual Report dated May 22, 2018 to the Commission.
Commission mail was reviewed.
The next PCC meeting is scheduled for June 19, 2018.
Forest Cutting Plan:  No cutting plans.
Meeting Adjourned at 10:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Barbara Laughlin