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April 17, 2018

DATE: April 17, 2018              TIME: 7:00            LOCATION: Town Hall Annex
Attendance: Chairman Brian Keevan, Ron Thompson, Barbara Laughlin, Rachael Catlow, and Susan Mitchell
Brian Keevan called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Votes taken in the following actions are “all in favor” unless noted otherwise.
Public Hearings:
Item 1:  A public hearing for 91 Ball Hill Road (DEP File# 267-0403).  In late March 2018, Brian and John, members of the Commission, performed a walk of the property which focused on whether or not there was a pond with a stream contributing to it or if there were riverfront characteristics present.  A determination was made that there is no riverfront characteristics, but rather a pond, which places the project in pond bank buffer zone.  The applicant is willing to amend the NOI to have crushed stone located behind the garage structure changed to vegetated lawn.  The Commission issued an Order of Conditions for this project.  
Item 2: A public hearing for an NOI filed by the Town of Princeton for culvert repair/replacement on East Princeton Road (Route 31) near Mirick Road was opened (DEP File# 267-0407).  There are two 24-inch corrugated metal pipes that need to be replaced.   The new aluminum, open bottom culvert will meet applicable stream crossing standards.  The Commission issued an Order of Conditions for this project with a special condition that a pre-construction inspection of erosion controls occur and written stream water diverting/dewatering plan(s) is prepared if necessary.
Item 3:  A public hearing was opened for a newly-created lot on Hickory Drive (Dep File# 267-0408) for the construction of a single family residence.  The project is located in a 200-foot buffer zone of a tributary and a 100-foot bordering vegetation wetland (BVW).  The driveway and potable well are located within applicable buffer zones.  The Commission requested a copy of the Wetlands Report for further review of wetland flagging data for the southwest corner of the lot.  A public hearing for this project will be continued at the May 2018 meeting.
Item 4:  A public hearing on NOI filed post-facto for commercial pavement work in the BVW buffer zone at 23 Hubbardston Road in Princeton (Map 12A, Lot 30, Manero Realty Trust/Nabil Roufail).  A DEP File# has not yet been issued for this NOI.  Commission members attended a site visit on Sunday April 15, 2018 with the applicant’s engineer.  Due to the location of the septic system, the previously engineered design of an infiltration gallery could not be considered.  Instead, a rip-rap infiltration trench will be considered.  A public hearing for this project will be continued at the May 2018 meeting.
Item 5: A public hearing for Lot 3 on Pine Hill Road (DEP File # 267-0405) was continued from the March 20, 2018 meeting.  The applicant requested that the public hearing be continued at the May 2018 meeting.  
Item 6: A public hearing for Lot 4A on Pine Hill Road (DEP File # 267-0406) was continued from the March 20, 2018 meeting.  A Water Quality Certification application will need to be filed.  The applicant requested that the public hearing be continued at the May 2018 meeting.
Item 1:  The Commission needs to perform a site visit for the Route 140 (East Princeton F.D. to Fitchburg Road) Project.
Item 2:  The Commission discussed the upcoming Charter Communications internet cable subsurface installation with regard to jurisdictional areas.  Brian will schedule an informational meeting with the Charter representative to discuss further.
Item 3:  Updated files were received for the Calamint Hill Conservation Area.  The Commission is awaiting the submittal of an NOI.  
Item 4:  The Town Pound tree clearing work is postponed until a contractor is signed on.
Commission Other Business, Mail, Procedures, etc.:
The Commission approved the March 20, 2018 meeting minutes with minor changes.
The next PCC meeting is scheduled for May 22, 2018 due to the Annual Town Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 15, 2018.
Commission mail was reviewed.
Forest Cutting Plan:  The Commission received a Cutting Plan dated February 14, 2018 for Glenwood Place, owned by Susan Connell , which is located off Dowds Lane.  The Cutting Plan was approved on March 7, 2018 and it expires on February 23, 2020.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:49 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Barbara Laughlin